Hi! Bowl & Tea

Delicious bubble tea!

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Build your own Poke Bowl

Rakenna oma Poke Bowl - valitse kaksi pääraaka-ainetta, valitse kastike ja kaksi lisätäytettä (All bowls contain wakame salad, cucumber, edamame beans, tomato,kimchi, topped with sesame seeds. ) (Annos sisältää wakame, kurkkua, edamame papuja, tomaattia, Kimchi,seesaminsiemeniä)

14,50 €

11. Brown sugar bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

7,20 €

26. Caramel coffee bubble latte

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

22.Lychee Clitoria ternatea

Included Lychee Boba

7,90 €

4.Strawberry bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

3. Taro puree bubble taro milk tea

Included Tapioca & Taro Puree

6,90 €

5. Matcha bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

Hawaii Double Salmon Bowl

Shoyu Salmon, Chilimajoneesilla Salmon, edamame papuja,Kimchi, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.

14,50 €

12. Brown sugar bubble milk

Included Tapioca

7,20 €

COMBO: 2x build your own Poke Bowls 🥗 & 2x Teas 🧋

Choose two build your own Poke Bowls and two bubble teas.

39,78 €46,80

21. Mango-passion

Included Mango Boba

7,90 €

45. Sakura Frappe

Included 3Q Pearl

7,90 €

19. Peach-lemon

Large Included Peach Boba

7,90 €

18. Strawberry-passion

Included Strawberry Boba

7,90 €

Inari Poke Bowl

Jalotofu, avokadoa, edamame papuja, Kimchi,kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), Suolapähkinä, kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta。

14,50 €

Offers 🙌🏼 🧋🥗

Try our current offers!

COMBO: 2x build your own Poke Bowls 🥗 & 2x Teas 🧋

Choose two build your own Poke Bowls and two bubble teas.

39,78 €46,80

Hawaii Poke Bowl & Handmade lemon tea

Shoyu Salmon, avokadoa, edamame papuja, kimchi,kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), punainen chili, kevätsipuli, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.

19,84 €24,80

Hi! Bowls

Kaikki bowlit sisältävät wakame-salaattia, kurkkua, edamame-papuja, tomaattia ja seesaminsiemeniä

Build your own Poke Bowl

Rakenna oma Poke Bowl - valitse kaksi pääraaka-ainetta, valitse kastike ja kaksi lisätäytettä (All bowls contain wakame salad, cucumber, edamame beans, tomato,kimchi, topped with sesame seeds. ) (Annos sisältää wakame, kurkkua, edamame papuja, tomaattia, Kimchi,seesaminsiemeniä)

14,50 €


Hawaii Poke Bowl

Shoyu Salmon, avokadoa, edamame papuja, kimchi,kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), punainen chili, kevätsipuli, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.

14,50 €

Hawaii Double Salmon Bowl

Shoyu Salmon, Chilimajoneesilla Salmon, edamame papuja,Kimchi, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.

14,50 €

Tiger Prawn Poke Bowl

Katkarapuja, avokadoa, ananas, Kimchi,edamame papuja, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.

15,50 €

Inari Poke Bowl

Jalotofu, avokadoa, edamame papuja, Kimchi,kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), Suolapähkinä, kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta。

14,50 €

Flame Poke Bowl

Grillattu lohi, avokadoa, ananas, Kimchi, edamame papuja, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), punainen chili, kevätsipuli, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.

15,50 €

Smoked Salmon Poke bowl

Lämminsavulohi, avokadoa, ananas, kimchi, edamame papuja, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.

15,50 €

Tropicana Poke Bowl

Katkarapuja, lämminsavulohi, ananas, Kimchi, edamame papuja, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), punainen chili, kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta.

15,50 €

Chicken Poke Bowl

Kana, avokadoa, ananas, edamame papuja, Kimchi, kurkkua, tomaattia, wakame(merilevä), kevätsipuli, korianteri, seesaminsiemeniä, teriyaki-kastiketta

14,50 €

Milk Tea

1. Handmade bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

6,50 €

2.Pudding grass bubble milk tea

Included Grass jelly & Pudding & Tapioca

6,90 €

3. Taro puree bubble taro milk tea

Included Tapioca & Taro Puree

6,90 €

4.Strawberry bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

6,90 €


5. Matcha bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

6. Chocolate bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

7. Watermelon bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

8. Cheese chocolate bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

7,50 €

9. Oreo Bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

7,90 €

10.Chocolate Oreo bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

7,90 €

Brown Sugar

11. Brown sugar bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

7,20 €


12. Brown sugar bubble milk

Included Tapioca

7,20 €

13. Brown sugar strawberry bubble milk

Included Tapioca

7,20 €

14.Brown sugar Matcha bubble milk tea

Included Tapioca

7,20 €

15.Brown sugar Sakura bubble milk tea

tavallinen maito . Included Tapioca

7,20 €

Fruit Tea

16. Handmade lemon tea

Large Included coconut jelly

7,90 €

Ice lemon tea

Included coconut jelly

7,90 €

17. Blue Curacao-lemon

Included coconut jelly

7,90 €

18. Strawberry-passion

Included Strawberry Boba

7,90 €

19. Peach-lemon

Large Included Peach Boba

7,90 €

20. Mango-lemon

Included Mango boba

7,90 €

21. Mango-passion

Included Mango Boba

7,90 €

22.Lychee Clitoria ternatea

Included Lychee Boba

7,90 €


Coffee / Coconut

23. Coffee bubble latte

Included Tapioca

6,50 €

24.Blue-curacao Coffee latte

Included 3Q pearl

6,90 €

25. Coffee Mocha bubble latte

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

26. Caramel coffee bubble latte

Included Tapioca

6,90 €


27. Coco-coconut bubble milk

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

28. Strawberry-coconut milk

Included 3Q pearl

6,90 €

Soda Tea

29. Strawberry Soda lemon tea

Included Strawberry Boba

7,90 €

30. Peach Soda lemon tea

Included Peach boba

7,90 €

31. Watermelon Soda lemon tea

Included Watermelon Boba

7,90 €

32. Litchi Soda lemon tea

Included Lychee Boba

7,90 €

33.Green apple Soda lemon tea

Included Green apple Boba

7,90 €

34.Passion Sprite Soda

Included Paasion Boba

7,90 €

35.Blue-curacao Sprite Soda

Included 3Q pearl

7,90 €


36.Mango grapefruit milk

8,90 €

37.Cheese strawberry

Included 3Q Pearl

7,90 €

38. Cheese mango

Included 3Q pearl

7,90 €

39. Blue curaçao coconut smoothie

Included coconut jelly

7,90 €


44. Sakura Coffee Latte

Included Tapioca

6,90 €

45. Sakura Frappe

Included 3Q Pearl

7,90 €

Delicious bubble tea!


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40100 Jyväskylä

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