That sudden, sharp, unpleasant sensation when something cold or sweet hits your teeth? Most likely tooth sensitivity. Not fun.
The good news is that GUM SensiVital + Toothpaste offers quick and long-lasting relief. It plugs open little openings, adding a protective layer of copolymer, while protecting nerve endings. A tailored anti-plaque system also cares for receding gums.
The gentle, non-irritating formula protects and strengthens your enamel.
For adults and children 7+.
Toothpaste specially designed for sensitive teeth plugs and seals the tiny tubules that make up your dentine
Protects sensitive nerve endings that are the source of sensitive tooth pain
Helps prevent cavities and root caries with a unique combination of fluoride, isomalt and orange peel extracts
Cares for receding gums with the support of cetylpyridinium chloride a tailored antiseptic anti-plaque system