Samurai Car Accessories

Specializing in car care products, engine oils, additives & lubricants, motor lamps, roof racks and much more!



Soft99 Authentic Premium 200g


Soft99 Soft Wax “White” 350g


Soft99 Soft Wax "Pearl & Metallic"" 320g"


Soft99 Soft Wax “Dark & Black” 300g


Soft99 "The Kiwami"" Wax 200g - Light"


Soft99 "The Kiwami"" Wax 200g - Dark"


Soft99 Fusso Coat New Formula 12 month - Light


Soft99 Fusso Coat New Formula 12 month - Dark


Soft99 Water Block Super Splash Pearl & Metallic 300g


Soft99 Water Block Wax Super Splash Dark 300g


Soft99 Fusso Coat F7 300ml All Colours


Soft99 Fukupika Wash & Wax Wipes 12pcs

Specializing in car care products, engine oils, additives & lubricants, motor lamps, roof racks and much more!

Benzer dükkanları göster


Misiaouli & Kavazoglou 80

3016 Limassol

Haritayı göster

Teslimat zamanları

Monday08:00–12:45, 15:00–17:00
Tuesday08:00–12:45, 15:00–17:00
Thursday08:00–12:45, 15:00–17:00
Friday08:00–12:45, 15:00–17:00