Clio Pharmacy

Clio Pharmacy

Health, beauty and wellness in one stop!


Our store is updated manually every day, thus items may be subject to availability. Thank you for your understanding & trust


Ice Power Sport Spray Gel 125ml


Ducray Squamo-Reducing Soothing Cream 40ml


Noreva Exfoliac Drying Lotion 125ml


Panthecare 7%-Ha Cream 100ml


Senscie 6% Calamine Lotion 200ml


Leti At4 Body Milk 250ml


Pupa Plump Me Up Buttocks 150ml


Pupa Push Me Up Firming Breast 75ml

  • Tükendi

Rigenoma Cream for Dermatitis and antifungal cream


BEAUTY JAR Shape Anti-Cellulite Cream - Κρέμα κατά της Κυτταρίτιδας 380ml


Dr. Müller Tiger ointment 8 g


Starbalm Inhaler για Τη Ρινική Συμφόρηση 1.1gr

Find products for all your needs! Our store is updated manually every day, thus items may be subject to availability. Thank you for your understanding & trust!

Benzer dükkanları göster


Leoforos Larnakos 129

1048 Lefkoşa

Haritayı göster

Teslimat zamanları

Monday08:00–13:30, 15:00–18:15
Tuesday08:00–13:30, 15:00–18:15
Thursday08:00–13:30, 15:00–18:15
Friday08:00–13:30, 15:00–18:15