Gloo & Oshy Flower Boutique

We love our clients and feel that they deserve the best!

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10 Pink Roses Bouquet


Pink Flowers Bouquet 50cm - 70cm


Seasonal Bouquet 50cm - 70cm


Athanata Bunch


Classy Red Rose Bouquet

We are committed to providing extraordinary designs using exceptional products with a focus on unparalleled customer service. We love our clients and feel that they deserve the best!

Benzer dükkanları göster


DIMOKRATIAS 60, Shop Number 12

2034 Lefkoşa

Haritayı göster

Teslimat zamanları

Monday10:00–13:00, 15:00–18:00
Tuesday10:00–13:00, 15:00–18:00
Thursday10:00–13:00, 15:00–18:00
Friday10:00–13:00, 15:00–18:00