Royal Kiosk Latsia

All daily goods that you need with a click at your door!



Alimos 750ml

  • 18+

Vasilikon White Dry Wine Xinisteri 750ml

%1 hacim

Dafermou Selection 750ml


Kyperounta Andessitis Red Dry Wine 750ml

  • 18+

Kyperounta Rose Wine 750ml

%1 hacim
  • Tükendi

Vasilikon Agios Onoufrios Red Dry Wine 750ml

  • 18+

Boutari Agiorgitiko Red Dry Wine 750ml

%1 hacim
  • 18+

Boutari Agiorgitiko Red Dry Wine 187ml

%1 hacim

Skopos Shiraz 750ml


Winery Kyperounta Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

  • 18+

Gancia Prosecco Brut 75cl

1 adet %1 hacim€8,90/adet
  • 18+

Tanqueray Premium Gin 1L

1 adet %1 hacim€21,10/adet

The Beetle London Dry Gin 700ml

  • 18+

Gordons Gin 70cl 40%

1 adet %1 hacim€18,30/adet

Bombay Sapphire Gin 700ml

  • 18+

Hendrick's Gin 70cl

1 adet %1 hacim€40,00/adet

Keo Panteleimon Red Wine 750ml

  • 18+

Keo Othello Red Dry Wine 750ml

%1 hacim
  • 18+

Keo St. Panteleimon Medium Sweet White Wine 750ml

%1 hacim
  • 18+

Keo Othello Cellar Red Dry Wine 750ml

%1 hacim

Keo Xynisteri 75cl

  • 18+

Keo St. John Commandaria 500ml

%1 hacim

Absolut Vodka 700ml


Chivas Regal 12y 350ml


Chivas Regal 12y 70cl

  • 18+

Chivas Regal 18Year 70cl

1 adet %1 hacim€74,00/adet
  • 18+

Tsangarides Shiraz Rose 750ml

1 adet %1 hacim€7,00/adet
  • 18+

Tsangarides Xynistery White Wine 750ml

1 adet %1 hacim€7,00/adet
  • 18+

Agios Efrem Tsangarides 750ml

1 adet %1 hacim€7,00/adet

All daily goods that you need with a click at your door!

Benzer dükkanları göster


Archiepiskopou Makariou III 88B, Latsia

2223 Lefkoşa

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