
Fresh, Organic, to your Door


6,42 €

SOLOFRUTTA compote de fraises (295g)

5,46 €

PURNATUR confiture de fraises Bio (370g)

6,72 €

SOLOFRUTTA compote de figues Bio (295g)

5,87 €

O'BIO confiture d'abricots (250g)

5,52 €

PURNATUR confiture d'abricots (370g)

5,52 €

PURNATUR confiture de griottes Bio (370g)

8,51 €

SOLOFRUTTA compote framboises bio (295g)

5,52 €

PURNATUR confiture d'oranges Bio (370g)

5,52 €

PURNATUR confiture 4 fruits (370g)

5,87 €

O'BIO confiture de fraises (250g)

5,87 €

O'BIO confiture de guignes (250g)

5,87 €

O'BIO confiture de myrtilles (250g)

7,26 €

PUR NATUR fraise sublime bio 70 (350g)

6,72 €

SOLOFRUTTA compote pêches bio (295g)

5,87 €

O'BIO gelée de coing (250g)

5,87 €

O'BIO confit. fruits des bois (250g)

5,87 €

O'BIO gelée de groseilles Bio (250g)

5,97 €

PURNATUR confiture myrtilles bio (370g)

5,97 €

O'BIO marmelade orange amère Bio (250g)

5,67 €

PURNATUR confiture de framboise (370g)

6,57 €

SOLOFRUTTA compote fruits des bois (295g)

5,52 €

PURNATUR confiture rhubarbe/fraises (370g)

5,97 €

O'BIO garni. fruits mûre-cassis (250g)

6,42 €

SOLOFRUTTA compote d'abricots bio (295g)

7,46 €

SOLOFRUTTA compote de cerises (295g)

6,66 €

PUR NATUR confit.framb.-myrtilles (370g)

5,61 €

PURNATUR confiture de rhubarbe (370g)

5,22 €

FIORDIFRUTTA myrtilles sauvages Bio (250g)

7,16 €

SOLOFRUTTA compote myrtilles (295g)

5,52 €

PURNATUR gelée groseilles rouge Bio (370g)

5,87 €

O'BIO gelée de fleurs de sureau (250g)

5,52 €

PURNATUR confiture de figue Bio (370g)

5,87 €

FIORDIFRUTTA conf. fruits bois Bio (250g)

8,17 €

B BIO beurre cacahuètes crunchy (550g)

2,88 €

B BIO confiture fraises 50 (330g)

12,40 €

FIORDIFRUTTA confiture abricot Bio (630g)

12,40 €

FIORDIFRUTTA Fiordif. (630g)

3,32 €

B BIO confiture d'abricots 50 (330g)

5,87 €

FIORDIFRUTTA confiture griottes Bio (250g)

5,87 €

FIORDIFRUTTA confiture figues Bio (260g)

5,87 €

FIORDIFRUTTA conf.Agru. Gingem. Bio (260g)

5,52 €

FIORDIFRUTTA framboise .bio (250g)

Fresh, Organic, to your Door


5 Bd Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen

2411 Luxemburg

Siehe Karte


Dienstag10:00–14:00, 18:30–19:30

Weitere Informationen