“LIBRAFF”, founded in 2017, is one of the largest modern bookstore chains in Azerbaijan.


AZN 9.90

Как Разговаривать с Подростком о Вечных Истинах (9785171199616)

AZN 9.90

Rəqəmsal Dünyada Uşaq Böyütmək (9789952540413)

AZN 11.20

Özü-Sözü Gözəl Uşaq (9789952515121)

AZN 14.00

Любовь и Брокколи. В Поисках Детского Аппетита (9785961467376)

AZN 8.90

Тайная Опора (9785171492526)

AZN 55.50

The Knitting Book: Yarns, Techniques, Stitches, Patterns (9781405368032)

AZN 24.20

Модели Женской Одежды. Конструирование, Моделирование, Технология (9785222223215)

AZN 6.00

Oyuncakçı Dükkanı (Maske Hediyeli) (9786059718035)

AZN 14.90

Свет в Тайнике (9785171373375)

AZN 13.50

Тайна Повесы (9785171502676)

AZN 13.00

Boyalı Quş (9789952313390)

  • Sold out
AZN 13.50

Где Властвует Любовь (9785171380366)

AZN 12.90

Məsihin Qapisi (9789952310863)

AZN 12.90

Виконт, Который Любил Меня (9785171356460)

AZN 14.90

Mon Pere Laboureur (9789952540147)

AZN 22.90

Мститель. Историко-Авантюрный Фильм-Роман, Основанный На Реальных Событиях 96373 (9785604531594)

AZN 22.90

Sevgi Romanları (Set) (2009349000380)

AZN 18.90

Король на Краю Света (9785171453404)

AZN 35.90

Romanlar (set) (2009349000335)

“LIBRAFF”, founded in 2017, is one of the largest modern bookstore chains in Azerbaijan. The network of bookstores “LIBRAFF” has 5 branches in Baku and 1 branch in Ganja. “LIBRAFF” book section has a rich library in Azerbaijani, Russian, English, Turkish and other foreign languages. In our stores you can find local and leading international publishers, classics, curated contemporary literature, entertainment and reading materials aimed at the personal development of children and adolescents. "STORIES COFFEE" operates on the principle of "coffeeshop in bookshop" in the branches of “LIBRAFF” "Park Akademiya" and "Ganjlik Mall". In addition to books, in our stores you can buy toys, gifts, souvenirs, school and stationery, electronics.

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Yasamal district, Huseyn Javid avenue 100

AZ1073 Baku

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