So Easy Store Aradipou

Your favorite kiosks items delivered!



Ajax Ultra Lemon 1L


Ajax Fdf Morning Rose 1L


Domestos Bleach Pink Power 750ml


Famozo Antistatic Trigger 750ml


Famozo Clear Trigger 750ml


Famozo Fresh Trigger 750ml


Fioro WC Blue -0.50cent 750ml


Fioro WC Green -0.50cent 750ml


Elephant Glass Cleaner Trigger 750ml


Dettol Liquid (Brown) 500ml


Garbage Blue Bag 20Pcs 75X80Cm Με Κορδονι 56L


Garbage Brown Bag 20Pcs 54X73Cm Με Κορδονι 30L


Garbage Green Bag 10Pcs 85X110cm 100L Με κορδόνι

Consumers can find a wide range of products and identify key categories such as: tobacco products, calling cards, type, food, beverages, wine cellar, ready meals, cleaners, personal care items, animal feed and more as well as the provision of various services . In addition to the expanded range of categories, products and services, the stores offer continuous offers, reasonable and competitive prices, convenient opening hours.