So Easy Store Oroklini

Your favorite kiosks items delivered!



Mateus Rose 750ml


Mateus White 75cl


Medici Lambrusco Red 75cl


Medici Lambrusco Rose 750ml


Don Simon Sangria 1.5L

1.5 l€2.86/l

Don Simon Sangria Premium 750ml


Don Lucciano Pink Moscato Sparkling Wine 750ml

750 ml€6.60/l

Don Lucciano Blue Moscato Wine 750ml

750 ml€6.60/l

Don Luciano Gold Moscato 750ml

750 ml€6.60/l

Arxontiko Sauvignon Blang 12% Vol 750ml


Arxontiko Xynisteri White Dry 750ml

750 ml€10.65/l

Arxontiko Rose Dry 750ml

750 ml€10.65/l

Arxontiko Shiraz Red Dry 750ml

750 ml€10.65/l

Arxontiko Merlot Red Dry 14.5% Vol750ml


Arxontiko Carignan & Shiraz Red Dry 14% Vol750ml

750 ml€10.65/l

Don Luciano Rosado Wine 750ml

750 ml€6.60/l

Boutari Moschofilero 750ml


Boutari Agioritiko Red 750ml


Andessites Red Wine 750ml

  • Sold out

Kyperounta Rose 750ml


Opera Prima Merlot 750ml

750 ml€5.19/l

Opera Prima Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

750 ml€5.19/l

Opera Prima Chardonnay 750ml

750 ml€5.19/l

Opera Prima Shiraz 750ml

750 ml€5.19/l

Arxontiko Xynisteri Medium Dry 750ml

750 ml€10.65/l
  • 18+
  • Sold out

Malamatina White Dry Retsina 750ml Offer

1% vol
  • 18+

Tosti Sparkling Pink Moscato Dolce 750ml

1% vol
  • 18+

Tsangarides Rose Dry Shiraz 750ml

1% vol
  • 18+

Tsangarides Xinisteri White Dry 750ml

750 ml, 1% vol€10.12/l
  • 18+

Tsangarides Xinisteri White Medium 750ml

1% vol
  • 18+

Tsangarides Agios Efraim Red Dry 750ml

1% vol

Veloudo Red Wine 750ml


Ayioklima White Med. Wine 750ml


Ayioklima White Dry Wine 750ml


Constantinou Levanda Rose Medium 750ml

750 ml€9.93/l

Keo Thisbie White Medium Dry 750ml


Keo Alkion White Dry 750ml


Keo St John Commandaria 500ml


Vinotheque White Dry 1LTR

1 l€2.50/l

Vinotheque Red Dry 1LTR

1 l€2.50/l

Consumers can find a wide range of products and identify key categories such as: tobacco products, calling cards, type, food, beverages, wine cellar, ready meals, cleaners, personal care items, animal feed and more as well as the provision of various services . In addition to the expanded range of categories, products and services, the stores offer continuous offers, reasonable and competitive prices, convenient opening hours.


Griva Digeni, 11, Voroklini

7040 Larnaca

See map

Delivery times
