Eva Frangouli Pharmacy

Eva Frangouli Pharmacy

The pharmacy you love with just a click!



Elgydium Brilliance & Care Anti-Stain Toothpaste Cure, 30ml


Elgydium Clin Sensileave T/Paste 50ml


Curaprox Enzycal 1450 Toothpaste 75ml

  • Sold out

Gum Bio Toothpaste 75ml


Kin B5 Toothpaste 125ml


Kin Gingival Complex 0,12% Clorhexidina 0,05 Cetylpyridinium Cloride 75ml


Sensikin Toothpaste 75ml


Kin Whitening Toothpaste 75Ml


Vitis Orthodontic Toothpaste 100ml


Vitis Sensitive Toothpaste 100ml


Vitis Whitening Toothpaste 100ml


Xerostom Toothpaste, 50M


Intermed Calmodent Gel, 75ml


Intermed Chlorhexil Long Use Toothpaste 0.12%, 100ml


Intermed Chlorhexil® 0.20% Gingival Gel, 30ml


Gum Hydral Dry Mouth Relief Gel 50ml


Gum Theraparoex T/P0.06%&0.12%

  • Sold out

Parogencyl Sensitive


Intermed Unisept Toothpaste, 100ml


Elgydium Sensitive


Elgydium Multi Actions Toothpaste, 75ml


Elgydium Decay Protection Toothpaste, 75ml


Elgydium Clinic Perioblock Care Toothpaste, 75ml


Unident Whitening T/Paste

  • Sold out

Unident Black & Gold Toothpaste 100ml


Intermed Medinol Toothpaste, 100ml


Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste Cool Lemon, 75ml


Elgydium Phyto, 75ml - Toothpastes


Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothpaste 75ml 2Pcs


Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste, 75ml


Elgydium Antiplaque Toothpaste, 75ml


Elladent Daily Toothpaste For Complete Teeth & Gum Daily Care, 75ml


Elladent Care 020 Οδοντόκρεμα, 75ml

  • Sold out

Propoli Bio Eco Toothpaste


Curaprox Black Is White T/P 90Ml


Blanx O3X Pro Shine Whitening Toothpaste


Gum Paroex Chlorex Gel 750.12%


Gum Paroex Toothpaste Daily


Gum Sensivital Toothpaste 75ml


Vitis Anticaries Toothpaste 100ml


Sensikin Toothpaste 75ml


Vitis Gingival Toothpaste 100ml


Kin Gingival Complex 0,12% Clorhexidina 0,05 Cetylpyridinium Cloride 75ml


Kin B5 Toothpaste 125ml


Toothpaste G.U.M 7 5ml Activital


Elgydium Fix Extra Strong Hold Fixing Cream, 45g

  • Sold out

Sensodyne Pro Smalto Daily Protection 75ml

  • Sold out

Parogencyl Prevention Gums 75ml


Intermed Detox Care Whitening Toothpaste, 75ml


Intermed Unident Pharma Dry Mouth Care Toothpaste, 75ml

The pharmacy you love with just a click!


Athinon 58a, Strovolos

2035 Nicosia

See map

Delivery times

Monday08:00–14:00, 15:00–18:45
Tuesday08:00–14:00, 15:00–18:45
Thursday08:00–14:00, 15:00–18:45
Friday08:00–14:00, 15:00–18:45