Sprint-Tank / Shop Dennis Pflanz

Before there were late-night shops, the service station was there for you day and night. Snacks and drinks for Lichterfelde, Steglitz, Lankwitz, Marienfelde and the south-west of Berlin.

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Süße Snacks


Cadbury Wunderbar

49 g€39.80/kg

Ferrero Rocher

50 g€72.00/kg

Nestlé Choco Crossies Original

150 g€43.27/kg

Storck Toffifee

125 g€31.20/kg

Yogurette mit Magermilchjoghurt-Erdbeer-Creme

100 g€39.00/kg

Milky Way Doppelriegel

43 g€46.51/kg


18 g€55.56/kg

Ferrero Kinder Überraschung



42 g€38.10/kg

Mr. Tom Erdnuss-Riegel

40 g€32.50/kg

Ferrero Kinder Schokolade

100 g€39.00/kg

Milka I love Milka Hauchzarte Herzen Alpenmilch 130g

130 g€65.31/kg

Ferrero Küsschen Klassik

178 g€61.74/kg

Storck Merci Helle Vielfalt

250 g€39.60/kg

Leibniz Choco Black´N White

125 g€31.20/kg

Storck Merci Finest Selection

250 g€39.60/kg

Toffifee White Chocolate 1x15er

125 g€31.20/kg

SNICKERS® Riegel 2Pack 80g

80 g€29.38/kg

NESTLE LION White 2 Pack (2x30g)

60 g€32.50/kg

MARS® 2er Pack Riegel 70g

70 g€33.57/kg

Nestlé Nuts

42 g€38.10/kg

TWIX® Xtra Multipack 75g

75 g€31.33/kg

Scho-Ka-Kola Zartbitter Schokolade Koffein 100g

100 g€39.00/kg

Ferrero Küsschen Nusspralinen

44 g€56.82/kg

Ritter Sport Voll-Nuss

100 g€39.00/kg

Ritter Sport Weisse Voll-Nuss

100 g€39.00/kg

Ritter Sport Alpenmilch

100 g€39.00/kg

Haribo Goldbären

175 g€18.57/kg

Haribo Schlümpfe

175 g€18.57/kg

Bahlsen Leibniz Original Keks

200 g€21.00/kg

Bahlsen Leibniz Choco Edelherb

125 g€31.20/kg

Stenger Popcorn süß, 200g

200 g€22.50/kg

Bahlsen Leibniz Choco Minis

125 g€28.00/kg

Leibniz Original Minis

150 g€23.33/kg

Chupa Chups Crazy Dips

14 g€92.86/kg

Monster Wunderball Cola am Stiel

60 g€43.33/kg

Monster Wunderball Fruity am Stiel

60 g€0.00/kg

Haribo Color Rado Mini

160 g€20.31/kg

Haribo Fruitmania Joghurt 160g

160 g€20.31/kg

Chupa Chups Melody Pop

720 g€1.81/kg

Chupa Chups Crazy Dips Cola 14g

14 g€92.86/kg


38 g€34.21/kg

Juicy Drop Gummy Dipperz

120 g€54.08/kg



Roller Ball Liquid Candy

30 g€93.33/kg

Puzzle Snake Twist Treats

17 g€164.71/kg

BOUNTY® Riegel 57g

57 g€41.23/kg

Dextro Energy Traubenzucker Classic

46 g€56.52/kg

The Sprint petrol station on Barnackufer supplies you with a convenient range day and night: fresh soft drinks, tasty beers and more - sweet and savoury snacks - some essentials for the domestic and pantry - and other nice and useful things. Dealer / Company name: Dennis Pflanz Address: Dennis Pflanz: Barnackufer 25, 12207, Berlin, DEU Contact: support @wolt.com

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Barnackufer 25

12207 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).
WoltBerlinStores and groceries | BerlinSprint-Tank / Shop Dennis Pflanz