The Asian Food Store

Asian groceries brought to your doorstep

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Kingzest Sesam Salat Dressing 0,2l

200 ml€17.45/l

Bellasan - Sonnenblumenöl 1l

1 kg€5.19/kg

Heera-Senföl 500ml

500 ml€15.58/l

Bibigo- Sesamöl 160g


Apfelessig 0,5l

500 ml€4.98/l
  • Sold out

Golden Turtle Erdnussöl 1l

1 l€10.39/l

Golden Turtle Sojabohnenöl 1l

1 l€7.79/l

Lee Kum Kee-Chilli Öl 207ml

207 ml€31.35/l

KTC 100% Reines Kokosnussöl 0,5l

500 ml€17.98/l

KTC Reines Mandelöl 0,5l

500 ml€24.98/l

Otafaku - Reis-/Getreideessig (Kokumotsu Su) 500ml

500 ml€15.58/l

Otafuku Reisessig (Junmai Su) 500ml

500 ml€19.98/l

Hengshun Essig schwarz Chinkiang 550ml

550 ml€9.98/l

Shao Hsing - Kochwein 14% Alc. 0,6l

600 ml€8.32/l

Otafuku Reisessig für Sushi (Sushi Su) 500ml

500 ml€19.98/l

Our offer ranges from Korea (e.g. delicious dumplings) to India (e.g. Paratha & Naan) as well as specialties from many more Asian regions (Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.). The shop changed its name from "The Indian Food Store". Seller: Company: NHI Global Food Market e.K., Address: Otto-Weidt-Platz 10, 10557, Berlin, Germany, Representative: Katrin Grünmeier, Trade register number: HRA60933B, E-Mail:

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Otto-Weidt-Platz 10

10557 Berlin

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).