Flink Hainstraße

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Harry Vital & Fit Brot

500 g€5.18/kg

Harry 1688 Weizenmischbrot Unser Mildes

500 g€5.18/kg

Harry Dinkel mit Sonnenblumenkernen

400 g€6.23/kg

Harry 1688 Roggenvollkornbrot Korn-an-Korn

500 g€4.98/kg

Harry Dinkel Sandwich

375 g€6.11/kg

Harry Sammys Super Sandwich - Power

750 g€4.25/kg

Harry Körner Balance Sandwich

750 g€4.52/kg

Harry Sammys Super Sandwich - Original

750 g€4.25/kg

Harry Vollkorn-Toast

500 g€4.38/kg

Harry Butter-Toast

500 g€4.98/kg

Mestemacher Eiweißbrot

250 g€11.56/kg

Rewe Bio Pumpernickel

250 g€5.96/kg

Schär Schnittbrot Meisterbäckers Vital Glutenfrei

350 g€12.54/kg

REWE Frei von Landbrot glutenfrei 400g

400 g€9.98/kg

Schär Schnittbrot Meisterbäckers Classic glutenfrei 330g

330 g€13.30/kg

Groceries delivered in minutes Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Bassel Soukar, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail: support@wolt.com

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Hainstraße 25

09130 Chemnitz

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).