
Bringsl - Deli delivered straight to your home!


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Veganer Riegel mit dunkler Schoko-Haselnuss

40 g€72.50/kg

Caju Rosmarin Cashewkerne

160 g€48.75/kg

Caju Salzkaramell Kakao Cashewkerne

160 g€48.75/kg
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Pottkorn Popcorn Schöner Würz Nicht

80 g€96.25/kg
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Veganer Schokoriegel Karamell Erdnuss

40 g€72.50/kg

Veganer Schokoriegel mit Kokosnuss

40 g€77.50/kg

Forest Gum Beeren-Kaugummis

20 g€99.50/kg

Lakritz Mix

135 g€42.22/kg

Saurer Lakritz Mix

135 g€42.22/kg

Pottkorn Schmatzi für Schatzi Weisse-Schoko-Salzbrezel

80 g€80.00/kg
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Popcorn Black Pearls

80 g€102.50/kg

Popcorn Alles Isst Käse

80 g€88.75/kg

Caju Salted Caramel Cashewkerne

160 g€48.75/kg

Caju Lemon Pepper Cashewkerne

160 g€48.75/kg
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Veganer Schokoriegel Haselnuss, Dattel und weißer Schokolade

40 g€72.50/kg
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Vegane Energy Balls mit Haselnusscreme

40 g€62.50/kg

Vegane Bananen Energy Balls

40 g€62.50/kg

Vegane Karotten Energy Balls

40 g€62.50/kg

Forest Gum Pfirsich-Kaugummis

20 g€130.00/kg

Forest Gum Cassis Minze-Kaugummis

20 g€130.00/kg

Forest Gum Minz-Kaugummis

20 g€99.50/kg

Forest Gum Fruchtgummi Mushroom Magic

100 g€26.00/kg

Forest Gum Fruchtgummi Wild Berries

100 g€26.00/kg

Forest Gum Fruchtgummi Wonder Worms

100 g€26.00/kg
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Nukrossi Natur

150 g€50.00/kg

Nukrossi Chili

150 g€50.00/kg

With Bringsl you get handmade delicatessen straight to your home - from jarred dishes to cereals and spreads, to selected spirits. Or gift your friends: Just leave a note for the venue during checkout and they'll print it on the greeting card!

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50676 Cologne

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).