Penny Pempelfort

Low-priced offers. Good quality.

Orders above approx. 7kg are automatically delivered by car.



Bonduelle Goldmais 3 Stk

600 g€4.98/kg
  • Sold out

Bonduelle Goldmais

140 g€9.93/kg

Greenland Kartoffeln in Scheiben Tafelfertig

660 g€1.50/kg

Greenland Karrtoffeln In Scheiben

660 g€1.50/kg

Greenland Puszta Salat

330 g€2.70/kg

Penny Erbsen sehr Fein

400 g€2.23/kg

Penny Kidney Bohnen

400 g€1.98/kg

Penny Stangenspargel

330 g€5.42/kg
  • Sold out

Hak Edamame-Bohnen

120 g€18.25/kg
  • Sold out

Hak Schwarze Bohnen

200 g€10.95/kg
  • Sold out

HAK Linsen

200 g€10.95/kg
  • Sold out

HAK Kichererbsen

200 g€10.95/kg

Penny Wein-Sauerkraut

520 g€1.52/kg

Taste Of Asia Bambussprossen

330 g€3.00/kg

Taste Of Asia Mungobohnen keimlinge

370 ml€2.68/l

Penny Wachsbrechbohnen Fein

660 g€1.50/kg

Penny Delikatess Apfel-Rotkohl

680 g€1.75/kg

Penny Weiße Bohnen mit Suppengrün

800 g€1.49/kg

Penny Linsen mit Suppengrün

800 g€1.49/kg

Penny Dicke Bohnen

660 g€2.41/kg

Penny Rote Bete in Scheiben

670 g€1.48/kg

Greenland Prinzessbohnen

400 g€2.98/kg

Greenland Silberzwiebeln

370 g€2.41/kg

Naturgut Bio-Gemüsemais supersweet

340 g€3.50/kg

Penny Kichererbsen

400 g€1.48/kg
  • Sold out

Greenland Weiße Riesenbohnen

400 g€1.98/kg

HAK weiße Bohnen

720 g€2.35/kg
  • Sold out

Greenland Chili Bohnen

420 g€1.88/kg

Penny Junge Erbsen mit Möhren

660 g€2.05/kg

Penny Kichererbsen

600 g€2.82/kg

Penny Kidneybohnen

600 g€2.82/kg

Orto Mio Ajvar Mild

350 g€4.26/kg

Orto Mio Ajvar Scharf

350 g€4.26/kg

Penny Sonnenmais

330 g€3.00/kg

Bonduelle Goldmais Mexiko-Mix

265 g€6.75/kg

Bonduelle Goldmais

285 g€6.28/kg

HAK Rotkohl mit Apfelstücken

700 g€3.13/kg

Discounter supermarket Seller: Company: Wolt Enterprises Deutschland GmbH, Address: Stralauer Allee 6, 10245 Berlin, Representative: Bassel Soukar, Trade register number: HRB 217122 B, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, E-Mail:


Derendorfer Str. 36

40479 Düsseldorf

See map

Delivery times

Monday12:00–14:00, 14:20–16:30, 16:55–18:05, 18:25–19:15, 19:25–20:00
Tuesday12:00–14:00, 14:20–16:30, 16:55–18:05, 18:25–19:15, 19:25–20:00
Wednesday12:00–14:00, 14:20–16:30, 16:55–18:05, 18:25–19:15, 19:25–20:00
Thursday12:00–14:00, 14:20–16:30, 16:55–18:05, 18:25–19:15, 19:25–20:00
Friday12:00–14:00, 14:20–16:30, 16:55–18:05, 18:25–19:15, 19:25–20:00
Saturday12:00–14:00, 14:20–16:30, 16:55–18:05, 18:25–19:15, 19:25–20:00

More information

Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).