Mewlana Markt

Mewlana Markt is a vibrant and diverse marketplace nestled in the heart of Karlsruhe.

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Marmara Efsane Gemlik Schwarze Oliven

800 g€8.69/kg

Marmara Grüne Oliven mit Knoblauch

400 g€17.38/kg

Marmara Green Olive Red Pepper

720 g€6.43/kg

Podravka Hühnerpastete

135 g€17.11/kg

Suntat Salami mit Rindfleisch 175g

175 g€23.14/kg

Egetürk Saray Sefasi Rindersalami

500 g€13.90/kg

Edeka Originale Tomaten Fein Passiert

500 g€8.10/kg

Çiloğlu Sambal Scharfe Chilisauce

500 ml€6.94/l

CILOGLU Sambal Scharfe Chilisauce 500ml

500 ml€9.26/l

Belzina Marocainesoße 500ml

500 ml€9.26/l

Öncü Granatapfel Sosse

700 g€4.13/kg

Chtoura Garden Grenadine-Melasse

500 ml€9.26/l

250ml Rosenwasser

250 ml€13.88/l

Öncü Nar Eksisi - Granatapfelsirup

330 g€8.76/kg

Suntat Zitronesauce

1 l€2.89/l

Kristal Natives Olivenöl Extra

250 ml€37.08/l

Kelmendi Ajvar Paste

335 g€6.18/kg

Kelmendi Ajvar Scharf

700 g€6.61/kg

Bagci Grüne Oliven

170 g€20.41/kg

Bağci Grüne Oliven mit Paprikafüllung

700 g€16.50/kg

Welcome to Mewlana Markt Seller Company: Mewlana Markt Address: Geibelstarsse 40, 761185 Karlsruhe, Germany Representative: Narin Osman E-Mail:

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Geibelstarsse 40

761185 Karlsruhe

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).