Frischemarkt Kiwi

Frischemarkt Kiwi - We are here for you!

Butter & Margarine


Kerrygold Original Irische Butter

250 g€16.80/kg

Schwarzwaldmilch LAC Butter

250 g€15.80/kg

Arla Kærgården Ungesalzen Butter

200 g€15.00/kg

Meggle Feine Butter

125 g€17.20/kg

Andechser Natur Bio Almbutter

250 g€16.40/kg

Berchtesgadener Land Berg & Alpen Frische Butter

250 g€13.40/kg

Edeka Bio Süssrahmbutter

250 g€13.40/kg

Minus L Die Streichzarte Ungesalzen

200 g€17.25/kg

Gut & Günstig Streichzart Ungesalzen

250 g€8.40/kg

Kerrygold Extra Butter & Rapsöl

250 g€16.80/kg

Président La Motte Butter Meersalz

250 g€20.60/kg

Meggle Kräuter Butter

100 g€27.50/kg

Alnatura Ghee Geklärte Butter

180 g€36.67/kg

Sanella Margarine

400 g€6.88/kg

Rama Original Vegan Margarine

500 g€5.20/kg

Becel Classic Pflanzliches Streichfett


Gut & Günstig Pflanzenmargarine

500 g€3.80/kg

Gut & Günstig Sonnenblumenmargarine

500 g€3.80/kg

Butaris Feines Butterschmalz

250 g€21.60/kg

Laru Schweine-Schmalz

250 g€7.20/kg

Welcome to our Kiwi fresh food market in Ludwigsburg Oßweil. As a full-range retailer, we have been offering you a wide range of high-quality groceries for almost 20 years now. We place particular emphasis on regionality, sustainability and first-class fresh produce departments Seller Company: Frischermarkt Kiwi Address: Friesenstrasse 6-10, 71640 Ludwigsburg Representative: Oliver Wirkner Trade register number: A 202517 Register court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart E-mail:

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Friesenstrasse 6-10

71640 Ludwigsburg

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Prices include VAT (excluding additional shipping costs that may apply).