Ludgeri Apotheke

For your health.

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  • Medicine

Ambroxol 30 Saft-1A Pharma,100ML, Loesung zum Einnehmen,62.90

  • Medicine

Silomat gegen Reizhusten Pentoxyverin Saft,100ML, Loesung zum Einnehmen,128.22

  • Medicine

Emser Pastillen ohne Menthol,30ST, Lutschtabletten,0.23

  • Medicine

Emser Nasenspray,20ML, Nasenspray,434.70

  • Medicine

Nasivin Nasenspray o. Kons. Erw.u.Schulkinder,10ML, Nasenspray,833.75

  • Medicine

Otriven 0.05% Dosierspray o.Konservierungsstoffe,10ML, Dosierspray,458.85

  • Medicine

Olynth salin Tropfen,10ML, Nasentropfen,639.40

  • Medicine

Ibuprofen AbZ 40 mg/ml Sirup,100ML, Sirup,79.12

  • Medicine

Nurofen Junior Fieber-u.Schmerzsaft Erdbe.40 mg/ml,100ML, Suspension zum Einnehmen,87.05

  • Medicine

Nurofen Junior Fieber-u.Schmerzsaft Orange 40mg/ml,100ML, Suspension zum Einnehmen,87.05

  • Medicine

Paracetamol 500 - 1 A Pharma,20ST, Tabletten,0.14

  • Medicine

Paracetamol-ratiopharm 250mg Zäpfchen,10ST, Kleinkinder-Suppositorien,0.41

  • Medicine

Panthenol-ratiopharm Wundbalsam,35G, Creme,177.43

  • Medicine

Panthenol-ratiopharm Wundbalsam,100G, Creme,143.52

  • Medicine

Hansaplast Kinderpflaster Mickey & Friends 20 Str,20ST, Pflaster,0.19

  • Medicine

Anti Brumm Kids sensitive,75ML, Spray,183.23

  • Medicine

Anti Brumm Kids sensitive,150ML, Spray,151.03

  • Medicine

Aspecton Nasenspray (entspricht 1.5% Kochsalz-Lös),20ML, Nasenspray,486.45

  • Medicine

Cupawoll Fettwolle mit natürlichem Lanolin,20G, Vlies,230.00

Here you can find everything you need for your health and well-being. Vendor: Company: Ludgeri Apotheke / Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Pharm. Leonard Schulte e.K.i, Address: Windthorststraße 65, 48143 Münster, Germany, Authorised representative: Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Pharm. Leonard Schulte e.K., Commercial register number: HRA 516, E-Mail:

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