Selver Ülejõe

Selver - always a good idea!

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Marta Pagar, Napoleonitasku 6x30g, 180g

180 g€18.00/kg

Lõuna Pagarid, Kohupiimataskud karbis, 250g

250 g€17.40/kg

Selveri Köök, Mandariini-mustika kohupiimakorvikesed, 300g

300 g€17.80/kg

Selveri Köök, Rummimaitseline kook, 320g

320 g€9.34/kg

Reval Kondiiter, Minitosca 10tk karbis, 240g

240 g€17.00/kg

Gustav, Werneri Napoleon karbis, 450g

450 g€14.44/kg
  • Sold out

Pihlaka, Vaarika hõrgutis, 260g

260 g€13.27/kg

Rõngu Pagar, Kohupiimakook rosinatega, 500g

500 g€14.04/kg

Selveri Köök, Aleksandri kook, 260 g

260 g€8.65/kg

Selveri Köök, Ehe rabarberikook, 250g

250 g€9.84/kg

Selveri Köök, Meekook (suur), 600g

600 g€10.83/kg

Selveri Köök, Meekook (väike), 300g

300 g€12.80/kg

Selveri Köök, Vahvlikook jõhvikamoosiga, 170g

170 g€26.47/kg

Selveri Köök, Vaarika-kodujuustukook, 350g

350 g€15.86/kg

Selveri Köök, Šokolaadibrownie kreeka pähklitega, 260g

260 g€22.58/kg
  • Sold out

Gustav, Maasikašarlott, 430g

430 g€19.51/kg

Selveri Köök, Banaanikook pähklitega vegan, 180g

180 g€34.94/kg

Selveri Köök, Kohupiima ahjukook mandlilaastudega, 550g

550 g€12.11/kg

Selveri Köök, Kohupiima ahjukook rabarberiga, 550g

550 g€10.29/kg

Selveri Köök, Tosca ahjukook kirsside ja martsipaniga, 550g

550 g€14.20/kg

Selveri Köök, Tosca ahjukook tervete pähklitega, 550g

550 g€13.25/kg

Selveri Köök, Kohupiima ahjukook õuntega, 600g

600 g€11.53/kg
  • Sold out

Eesti Pagar, Maasika-kohupiimatort , 1,1kg

1.1 kg€13.25/kg

Pihlaka, Sefiiritort, 850g

850 g€16.05/kg

Selveri Köök, Tort Tibu kohupiimakreemitort puuviljadega , 1kg

1 kg€14.69/kg
  • Sold out

Selveri Köök, Kohupiima-küpsisetort Lili, 700g

700 g€14.39/kg
  • Sold out

Selveri Köök, Maasika-pistaatsia kohupiimatort, 700g

700 g€14.99/kg
  • Sold out

Van Kook, Šokolaadi-brownie tort, 1kg

1 kg€16.79/kg

You can quickly order everything you need for home and office from Selver stores. From Selver you can order fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish products, milk and cheese products, bakery and confectionery products, ready-made food, ice cream, snacks, sweets and other food and drinks that are part of the food basket. In addition, we also offer consumer goods - self-care products, household and home goods, baby goods, health products and many other necessities. Selver offers high quality and a good selection of products, but also very good prices - it is a good idea to order goods from Selver.

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Tallinna mnt. 93A / Roheline tn 80

80041 Pärnu

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