Chilli Kingipood Maakri

Life should be lived through, not survived!


  • 5 left

1. Öine tõrvikuretk kahele Emajõel

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2. Partnerjooga ja Akrojooga eratund kahele

  • 5 left

3. Lõbus matkapäev sõprade või perega Kõrvemaal

  • Popular
  • 4 left

4. Lasketiiru pakett "Kahepeale ehk BFF"

  • 5 left

5. Sukeldumine Rummu karjääris

  • 5 left

6. Tondi Lasketiiru laskepakett "Meie kaks"

  • 5 left

7. Tandemlend paraplaaniga koos videosalvestusega

Chilli is the largest experience department store in Northern Europe. During 13 years, more than 2.7 million customers have enjoyed Chilli experiences and have saved more than 28 million euros.


This is a virtual venue

10145 Tallinn

See map

Delivery times

MondayAll day
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ThursdayAll day
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