Delice Solaris

Something very good every day!

Magusad kastmed, kreemid


Schwartau, Karamelli dessertkaste, 125ml

125 ml€24.16/l

Schwartau, Šokolaadi dessertkaste, 125ml

125 ml€22.56/l

Sante, Maapähklikreem Crunchy, 350g

350 g€9.23/kg

Super Nutri, Suhkruvaba pähklivõie röstitud pähklitest, 383g

383 g€9.30/kg

Natty Original, Chia Seemnetega mahe maapähklivõie, 333g

333 g€20.45/kg

Natty Original, Kreemjas mahe maapähklivõie, 333g

333 g€20.45/kg

Natty Original, Krõbisev mahe maapähklivõie, 333g

333 g€20.45/kg

La Comtesse, Maapähklikreem creamy, 350g

350 g€12.34/kg

La Comtesse, Maapähklikreem crunchy, 350g

350 g€12.34/kg

Good Good, Šokolaadimaitseline sarapuupähkli kreem steviaga, 350g

350 g€18.51/kg

Nutella, Metspähklitega võidekreem, 230g

230 g€18.22/kg

Nutella, Pähklikreem , 350g

350 g€16.46/kg

Nutella, Pähklikreem , 600g

600 g€14.85/kg

Cebe, Duo piima-šokolaadikreem, 400g

400 g€9.68/kg

Bonne, 100% troopiline püree, 500ml

500 ml€8.80/l

Bonne, 100% virsikupüree, 500ml

500 ml€7.12/l

Bonne, Mustika püree, 500ml

500 ml€13.62/l

Bonne, 100% ploomipüree, 500ml

500 ml€8.80/l

Bonne, 100% mangopüree, 500ml

500 ml€7.12/l

Salvest, Mangopüree Mahe, 450g

450 g€9.07/kg

Salvest, Pirnipüree Mahe, 450g

450 g€8.38/kg

Salvest, Õunakaste, 530g

530 g€5.53/kg

From the Delice Solaris store, you can quickly order everything you need for both home and office. The focus of Delice's distinctive assortment is fresh prepared food prepared on site in the store, convenient ready-to-go meals, fresh baked goods and a rich selection of products from world cuisines. Delice - something really good every day!

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Estonia pst 9

10143 Tallinn

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