Ilma Pood

Plastic free shopping!

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Äädikas lõhnastatud Värske tsitrus


Orgaanilised kuivatatud banaanilaastud

100 g€2.50/100g

Kuivatatud mango laastud

100 g€3.50/100g

Silmachy mesilasvaha huulepulk paberpakendis


Puidust nõudepesuhari vahetatava otsikuga

Ilma pood is the first and only zero waste shop in Estonia that since the very first day has had a mission to make Tallinn a greener place. This includes educating the society of Tallinn on the necessity of packaging reduction, reducing load on the communal waste management system, promoting conscious consumption and reducing food waste, supporting local and small businesses. With our activities we raise awareness about plastic waste and single-use products and provide people with a way to reduce packaging plastics in a comfortable and affordable way. We concentrate strongly on selecting local producers and small brands to support local businesses and reduce logistics polluting emissions. With almost two years on the market we have created a great pool of local and not-far-away located producers, all of which are greatly loved by our customers. We ship orders in solely reused boxes and packaging material donated by our customers. All food products will be packaged in either glass jars or paper bags.

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Telliskivi 60a/2

10412 Tallinn

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