Rocca Al Mare

Experience gifts - give experiences, not things!

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Elamused vees


Uskumatu lend Flyboardiga (30 minutit) - Betula Sport


Kanuumatk Emajõel kahele - Jõematkad


Meeleolukas reis Piirissaarde kahele - Seto Line


Uskumatu lend Flyboardiga 15 minutit - Betula Sport


Sukeldumine veealuse vangla varemetes - Paekalda Puhkekeskus


Snorgeldamine veealuse vangla varemete kohal - Paekalda Puhkekeskus


Purjetamine luksusjahiga Tallinna lahel kahele - North Dream Yacht Rent


Päikeseloojangu matk kahele Kakumäe Surfikoolis - Fansurf Surfikool


Kalastusretk koos jõeäärse majutusega - Kaluriküla


SUP (aerusurf) - Rummu seikluskeskus


Jetisõit koos koolitusega


Emajõe 7 silla kanuumatk - Tartu seikluspark


Floating ehk hõljumine magneesiumsooladega vees - Floating Tartu

Give experiences and unforgettable moments. In the modern world, more and more non-material gifts are given to reduce wasteful consumption. Cupboards are full of unnecessary items, and often the recipient already has everything they need. Material gifts lose their novelty quickly, get forgotten at the bottom of the cupboard and break easily. But experiences create lifelong memories!

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Paldiski mnt 102

13522 Tallinn

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