Selver Kadaka

Selver - always a good idea!



Pasta Fusilli

500 g€5.22/kg

Penne Rigate torukesed, Barilla, 500 g

500 g€5.02/kg

Spaghetti (nr.5) , Barilla, 500 g

500 g€4.60/kg

Lasanje plaadid, Barilla, 500 g

500 g€9.64/kg

Pasta Gnocchi

500 g€4.80/kg
  • Sold out

Pasta durum Chiffari Lisci , Tartu Mill, 500 g

500 g€2.84/kg
  • Sold out

Durumnisujahupasta Fusilli, Tartu Mill, 500 g

500 g€2.84/kg

Durumnisujahupasta Puntine Grandi, riisiteraline, Tartu Mill, 500 g

500 g€2.84/kg

Durumnisujahupasta Cornetti, Tartu Mill, 500 g

500 g€2.84/kg

Durumnisujahupasta Penne, Tartu Mill, 500 g

500 g€2.84/kg

Durumnisujahust spagetid nr.7, Tartu Mill, 500 g

500 g€2.84/kg

Täistera fusilli, Tartu Mill, 500 g

500 g€2.98/kg

Pasta Penne, Presto, 400 g

400 g€1.00/kg

Pasta Cornetti , Presto, 400 g

400 g€1.98/kg

Pasta Fusilli, Presto, 400 g

400 g€1.98/kg

Spagetid nr.7, Presto, 400 g

400 g€1.98/kg

Pasta Elbows , Reggia, 500 g

500 g€3.86/kg

Lintnuudlipesad, Reggia, 500 g

500 g€5.44/kg

Spaghetti Tagliati (niitnuudel), Reggia, 500 g

500 g€3.86/kg

Makaron Stortini Piccolo, Reggia, 500 g

500 g€3.86/kg

Makaron Ditalini, Reggia, 500 g

500 g€3.86/kg

Pasta Spaghetti , Reggia, 500 g

500 g€3.86/kg

Tagliatelle, Granoro, 500 g

500 g€5.08/kg

Tagliatelle munaga, Granoro, 500 g

500 g€5.36/kg

Sarveke Chifferini, Panzani, 500 g

500 g€4.72/kg

Specialita Farfalle (lipsuke), Panzani, 500 g

500 g€4.72/kg

Specialita Penne Rigate, Panzani, 500 g

500 g€4.72/kg

Spiraal Fusilli international, Panzani, 500 g

500 g€4.72/kg

Macaroni , Panzani, 500 g

500 g€4.72/kg

Conchiglie Rigate teokarbid, Panzani, 500 g

500 g€4.72/kg

Mini Farfalle, Panzani, 500 g

500 g€5.02/kg

Mini Penne, Panzani, 500 g

500 g€5.02/kg

Fusilli, Panzani, 1 kg

1 kg€4.29/kg

Spiraal Fusilli kolmevärviline, Panzani, 500 g

500 g€5.56/kg

Mini Serpentini spiraalmakaronid

500 g€5.02/kg

Spagetid Spaghetti, Panzani, 500 g

500 g€4.72/kg

Spagett Spaghetti, Panzani, 1 kg

1 kg€4.40/kg

Makaronid Spaghetti gluteenivabad, Panzani, 400 g

400 g€8.53/kg

Makaronid Penne gluteenivabad , Panzani, 400 g

400 g€8.53/kg

Makaronid Coquillette gluteenivabad, Panzani, 400 g

400 g€8.53/kg

Selezione Di Chef Tagliatelle pasta värske munaga

400 g€9.33/kg

Selezione Di Chef Farfalle pasta värske munaga

400 g€8.90/kg

Selezione Di Chef Collerette pasta värske munaga

400 g€8.90/kg

Durumjahupasta Tagliatelle

250 g€11.28/kg

Tagliatelle spinatiga

250 g€11.28/kg

Munapasta Fettuccine

250 g€11.28/kg

Linguine nr 11

500 g€5.86/kg

Bucatini Bronzo No6

500 g€6.28/kg

Calamari I Giganti

500 g€7.12/kg

Conchiglioni nr 240

500 g€7.12/kg
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You can quickly order everything you need for home and office from Selver stores. From Selver you can order fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish products, milk and cheese products, bakery and confectionery products, ready-made food, ice cream, snacks, sweets and other food and drinks that are part of the food basket. In addition, we also offer consumer goods - self-care products, household and home goods, baby goods, health products and many other necessities. Selver offers high quality and a good selection of products, but also very good prices - it is a good idea to order goods from Selver.

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Kadaka tee 56a

12915 Tallinn

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