
Selver Kärberi

Selver - always a good idea!

Töödeldud liha


Rakvere, Lasteviiner, 200g

200 g€9.40/kg

Rakvere, Pereviiner, 500g

500 g€3.76/kg

Rakvere, Rakvere viiner, 500g

500 g€7.12/kg

Oskar, E-vaba Lihaviiner, 125g

125 g€12.16/kg

Rannarootsi, Viiner Ehe, 330g

330 g€8.88/kg

Rannarootsi, Suitsusardell, 500g

500 g€6.28/kg

Rannarootsi, Sealihasardell, 500g

500 g€6.70/kg

Rannarootsi, Suitsusardell juustuga, 500g

500 g€6.46/kg

Maks&Moorits, Sardell 77,7%, 375g

375 g€6.96/kg

Maks&Moorits, Maasuitsusardell, 375g

375 g€7.12/kg

Matsimoka, Tailihaviiner, 250g

250 g€16.32/kg

Maks&Moorits, Grillvorstid maitselt mahedad, 900g

900 g€8.16/kg

Rakvere, Perepihvid , 400g

400 g€5.48/kg

Rakvere, Rakvere pihvid, 400g

400 g€10.48/kg

Rakvere, Pihvid juustuga, 400g

400 g€10.48/kg

Rakvere, Mini lihapallid, 300g

300 g€10.10/kg

Rakvere, Pere lihapallid, 300g

300 g€6.77/kg

Selver, Hakklihapallid küüslaugu-piprakastmes, kg


Maks&Moorits, Kodupihvid , 400g

400 g€4.70/kg

Maks&Moorits, Kodupihvid kreemja juustutäidisega, 400g

400 g€6.00/kg

Maks&Moorits, Lihapihvid, 400g

400 g€8.90/kg

Maks&Moorits, Lihapihvid juustuga, 400g

400 g€9.08/kg

Maks&Moorits, Paneeritud fileešnitsel, 280g

280 g€10.68/kg

Maks&Moorits, Paneeritud hakkšnitsel, 400g

400 g€7.85/kg

Maks&Moorits, Paneeritud kanafileešnitsel, 340g

340 g€10.47/kg

Maks&Moorits, Fileetasku juustu- ja singitäidisega , 260g

260 g€10.46/kg

Maks&Moorits, Kanafileenagitsad, 230g

230 g€9.09/kg

Tallegg, Kanafileenagitsad , 300g

300 g€9.07/kg

Tallegg, Požarski kotlet, 350g

350 g€8.66/kg

Tallegg, Kanapihvid, 320g

320 g€4.44/kg

Tallegg, Kana-juustupihvid, 320g

320 g€5.75/kg

Tallegg, Kiievi kotlet, 300g

300 g€17.10/kg

Tallegg, Mini Kiievi kotlet juustuvõiga, 300g

300 g€14.67/kg

Selveri Köök, Kiievi kotlet, 280g

280 g€18.71/kg

Selveri Köök, Kanafilee kotlet, 270g

270 g€21.78/kg

Kikas, Väike kotlet, 290g

290 g€6.10/kg

Tallegg, Maisikattega kanafilee , 280g

280 g€16.07/kg

Tallegg, Kanafilee hakkšnitsel, 340g

340 g€11.29/kg

Tallegg, Kanafileefriikad juustuga, 300g

300 g€11.50/kg

Nõo, Krõbe broilerišnitsel juustuga, 560g

560 g€14.61/kg

Nõo, Nõo Fitlap broilerifileerullid juustuga, 400g

400 g€18.90/kg

Nõo, Paneeritud seašnitsel Fitlap, 220g

220 g€20.59/kg

Maks&Moorits, Memme verivorst, 500g

500 g€5.02/kg

Oskar, Kauaküpsetatud rebitav seapraad, 500g

500 g€15.10/kg

Maks&Moorits, Rebitud sealiha BBQ kastmes, 200g

200 g€11.50/kg

Maks&Moorits, Rebitud kanaliha punases kastmes, 200g

200 g€12.00/kg

You can quickly order everything you need for home and office from Selver stores. From Selver you can order fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish products, milk and cheese products, bakery and confectionery products, ready-made food, ice cream, snacks, sweets and other food and drinks that are part of the food basket. In addition, we also offer consumer goods - self-care products, household and home goods, baby goods, health products and many other necessities. Selver offers high quality and a good selection of products, but also very good prices - it is a good idea to order goods from Selver.

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K. Kärberi 20-20a

13919 Tallinn

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