
Selver Peetri

Selver - always a good idea!



Corny Big, Müslibatoon jõhvikatega, 50 g

50 g€20.80/kg

Tupla, Šokolaadibatoon King Size, 85 g

85 g€22.12/kg

Tupla, Šokolaadibatoon Tupla Mint, 48 g

48 g€28.13/kg

Kinder, Kakaokeeks Delice, 39 g

39 g€23.85/kg

Nestlé, Maisihelbebatoon Corn Flakes gluteenivaba, 22 g

22 g€28.18/kg

Eat Natural, Batoon mandlite, aprikooside ning jogurtiglasuuriga, 40 g

40 g€53.25/kg

Nicks, Kookose šokolaad, 40 g

40 g€49.50/kg

Kalev, Limoncello martsipanibatoon, 40 g

40 g€28.50/kg

Nestlé, Hommikusöögibatoon Fitness Šokolaadibatoon, 23,5 g

24 g€27.08/kg

Kit Kat, Šokolaad KitKat Chunky Peanut Butter, 42 g

42 g€29.76/kg

Beaba, Joogipudel kõrrega, 1 tk

200 g€83.95/kg

Nestlé, Hommikusöögibatoon maasikatega, 35 g

35 g€21.71/kg

Kalev, Soolakaramelli batoon piimašokolaadis, 40 g

40 g€31.25/kg

Nestlé, Hommikusöögibatoon Fitness Jõhvika-Maasika, 23,5 g

24 g€27.08/kg

Mars, Šokolaad, 51 g

51 g€24.51/kg

Kex, Täidetud vahvel piimašokolaadis, 60 g

60 g€20.83/kg

BIBS, Lutid kirsikujulised Colour Glow, 2 tk

2 pcs€6.82/pc

Nestlé, Hommikusöögibatoon Trix, 17 g

17 g€36.47/kg

Nestlé, Hommikusöögibatoon Golden Minis Bar, 25 g

25 g€24.80/kg

Lion, Šokolaadibatoon Lion Standard 2Pack, 60 g

60 g€24.33/kg

Babysanft, Pesugeel, 400 ml

400 ml€13.10/l

Corny Big, Müslibatoon kookose-piimašokolaadiga, 50 g

50 g€20.80/kg

Kalev, Brownie-maitseline batoon karamelli ja metspähklitega piimašokolaadis, 50 g

50 g€25.00/kg

Selver, Tuletikud, üksik tikutoos, 1 tk

15 g€3.33/kg

Kalev, Pähkli-seemnebatoon tumeda šokolaadiga, 40 g

40 g€39.00/kg

Karl Fazer, Šokolaadibatoon Crunchy, 55 g

55 g€32.18/kg

Kinder, Šokolaad Kinder T4, 50 g

50 g€25.00/kg

Bounty, Šokolaad, 57 g

57 g€22.98/kg

Knoppers, Šokolaadibatoon Nutbar, 40 g

40 g€26.00/kg

Tupla, Šokolaadibatoon Maxi, 50 g

50 g€27.00/kg

Fazerina, Piimašokolaadibatoon, 37 g

37 g€30.81/kg

BIBS, Lutid anatoomilised Colour, 2 tk

2 pcs€6.30/pc

Nestlé, Hommikusöögibatoon Chocapic, 25 g

25 g€24.80/kg

Corny, Šokolaad-banaani müslibatoon 6x25g, 150 g

6 pcs€0.52/pc

Corny Big, Müslibatoon piimašokolaadiga Brownie, 50 g

50 g€25.00/kg

Geisha, Crunchy šokolaadibatoon, 50 g

50 g€31.20/kg

Beaba, Joogipudel kõrrega, 1 tk

80 g€209.88/kg

Bebe Bonchic, Näpuhambaharjad, 2 tk

2 pcs€5.25/pc

Vipis, Salvei, saialille, pune, kummeli tinktuur, 30 ml

30 ml€257.33/l

Nestlé, Hommikusöögibatoon Nesquik, 25 g

25 g€24.80/kg

Emco, Gluteenivaba pähklibatoon pähkli ja pistaatsiapähkli, 35 g

35 g€29.71/kg

Selver, Tulemasin, 1 tk

30 g€38.00/kg

Kalev, Pähklibatoon tumedas šokolaadis, 40 g

40 g€39.00/kg

Little Siberica, Pisaratevaba Šampoon ja Dušigeel beebidele, 250 ml

250 ml€25.16/l

Susu, Susu Snacks šokolaadibatoon, 40 g

40 g€28.50/kg

Hansa Candle, Kaminatikk, 1 pakk

100 g€17.70/kg

Nestlé, Hommikusöögibatoon Cini-Minis, 25 g

25 g€24.80/kg

Selver, Tuletikud, 10tk kiles, 10 tk

10 pcs€0.05/pc

Decatylen, Kurgusprei , 20ml

20 ml€466.50/l

Nicks, Maapähkli fudge, 40 g

40 g€49.50/kg

You can quickly order everything you need for home and office from Selver stores. From Selver you can order fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish products, milk and cheese products, bakery and confectionery products, ready-made food, ice cream, snacks, sweets and other food and drinks that are part of the food basket. In addition, we also offer consumer goods - self-care products, household and home goods, baby goods, health products and many other necessities. Selver offers high quality and a good selection of products, but also very good prices - it is a good idea to order goods from Selver.

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75312 Tallinn

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