Selver Pirita

Selver - always a good idea!

Köögiviljad, juurviljad

  • Popular

Kurk Luunja, kg


Kobartomat, I klass, kg


Ploomtomat, 500g

500 g€8.38/kg

Kirssploomtomat, I klass, 250g

250 g€8.36/kg

Kirsskobartomat, I klass, 500gr

500 g€8.38/kg

Porgand pestud, kg


Porgand 500g, pakitud


Beebiporgand, 250g

250 g€6.68/kg
  • Sold out

Paprika punane, kg


Paprika pikk punane, 2tk


Tsillipipar punane, II klass, kg


Mugulsibul, 1kg

1 kg€1.04/kg
  • Sold out

Sibul roheline pakitud, 100g


Küüslaugu küüned, 100g

1 kg€3.14/kg

Redis tuutus, 125g

125 g€8.32/kg

Ingver, kg


Brokoli, kg


Varsseller, kg


Kartul kollane pakitud, 2kg

2 kg€1.52/kg

Kartul punane Laura, 2kg

2 kg€1.47/kg

Minikartul mix 1kg, pestud


Bataat, kg


Baklažaan, kg


Muskaatkõrvits, kg


Šampinjonid valged, 230g

230 g€9.09/kg

Šampinjon viilutatud, 200 g

200 g€13.05/kg

Šampinjonid pruunid, 230g

230 g€11.35/kg

Beebišampinjonid, 230 g

230 g€10.43/kg

Seen Portabello, 300 g

300 g€11.50/kg
  • Sold out

Seen Austerservik, 300 g

300 g€13.97/kg

You can quickly order everything you need for home and office from Selver stores. From Selver you can order fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish products, milk and cheese products, bakery and confectionery products, ready-made food, ice cream, snacks, sweets and other food and drinks that are part of the food basket. In addition, we also offer consumer goods - self-care products, household and home goods, baby goods, health products and many other necessities. Selver offers high quality and a good selection of products, but also very good prices - it is a good idea to order goods from Selver.

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Rummu tee 4

11911 Tallinn

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