Stores and groceries - Gori
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❗️Before proceeding to Checkout, please make sure you have selected your substitution preferences from “Substitution Preferences” feature and mark either ‘’Refund’' or ‘’Replace’' for each item in your basket. Pickers will collect your order according to your preference and in case something you’ve ordered is out of stock and you’ve selected ’’Replace”, it will be replaced with a similar alternative product. If you do not wish to receive a substitution of a certain item, please mark ‘’refund’' and if out of stock, it will be removed from the order. Please note that Pickers will not reach out to you during the collection of your order.❗️ 👉 Please Do Not Place an Order that Exceeds 10kg Weight Limit ❗️ Please read the important information related to the distance contract, purchase and vendor on the Carrefour website ❗️
Supermarket Chain "Magniti"
Flowers Shop
Vape Shop
Where the pharmacist cares about your health! GEPHA JSC Business ID 201991229
PSP Pharmacy
One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Georgia
Vape Shop
Liquor Store 🥃
Books Shop
Shop for wonderful items
Beer Shop
Meama Cocktails
Pet Shop 🐾
Melakuda toys for happy playtimes 🦊
Korean Cosmetics
Toy Shop "Chita"
Everything For Your Health And Beauty!
Household Items & Hygiene
Household Items
Zoo Shop
Pool accessories 🪁
Mobile accessories
Vape Shop
Toy Store
Vape Shop