Carrefour Gldani

❗️Before proceeding to Checkout, please make sure you have selected your substitution preferences from “Substitution Preferences” feature and mark either ‘’Refund’' or ‘’Replace’' for each item in your basket. Pickers will collect your order according to your preference and in case something you’ve ordered is out of stock and you’ve selected ’’Replace”, it will be replaced with a similar alternative product. If you do not wish to receive a substitution of a certain item, please mark ‘’refund’' and if out of stock, it will be removed from the order. Please note that Pickers will not reach out to you during the collection of your order.❗️

👉 Please Do Not Place an Order that Exceeds 10kg Weight Limit


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GEL 5.45

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PALMOLIVE შხაპგელი გრეიფრუტის250მლ/8718951415249

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პალეტი თმის საღებავი N5/4015100185164 1ც

GEL 7.95

გარნიე ქოლორ ნეიჩერალს საღებავი 8 110 მლ/3600540676771 1ც

GEL 7.95

გარნიერი თმის საღებავი Color Natural N1 110 მლ/3600540676719 1ც

GEL 7.95

გარნიერ ქოლორ ნატურალსი თმის საღებავი ნომერი 10. 110 მლ/3600540676795 1ც

GEL 2.99

EZEL შამპუნი 2in1 +PRO B5 ვიტამინი-400მლ/8682503120373

GEL 4.95

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GEL 11.95

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GEL 6.95

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GEL 7.95

VOI სველი ხელსახოცი 1+1/8681608225761

GEL 17.95

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GEL 15.99

GIGGLES პამპერსი S2-70ც/8680131206940

GEL 0.49

GRANIO მარცვლეულის ფირფიტა 23გ/8682835300481

GEL 0.49

GRANIO მარცვლეულის ფირფიტა 23გ/8682835300573

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GEL 2.79

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GEL 3.29

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GEL 4.99

აჰმადი გრვირილის დილა ხილისა და მცენარეების ჩაი 20 ც/54881011631 1ც

GEL 2.89

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GEL 9.99

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GEL 5.99

MEHMET EFENDI-თურქული ყავა 100გრ/8690627121206

GEL 4.49

სადილი ლობიო კახურად-400გ/4860120280104

GEL 4.49

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GEL 3.99

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GEL 3.49

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GEL 2.29

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GEL 1.79

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GEL 19.99

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GEL 9.99

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GEL 9.99

ბადაგონი ფიროსმანი წითელი ნახევრადმშრალი ღვინო 0.75 ლ/4860006040617

GEL 19.99

ძველი თბილისი ღვინო ქინძმარაული 0.75 ლ/4860004073105

❗️Before proceeding to Checkout, please make sure you have selected your substitution preferences from “Substitution Preferences” feature and mark either ‘’Refund’' or ‘’Replace’' for each item in your basket. Pickers will collect your order according to your preference and in case something you’ve ordered is out of stock and you’ve selected ’’Replace”, it will be replaced with a similar alternative product. If you do not wish to receive a substitution of a certain item, please mark ‘’refund’' and if out of stock, it will be removed from the order. Please note that Pickers will not reach out to you during the collection of your order.❗️ 👉 Please Do Not Place an Order that Exceeds 10kg Weight Limit ❗️ Please read the important information related to the distance contract, purchase and vendor on the Carrefour website ❗️


5 Omar Khizanishvili St, Tbilisi

0167 Tbilisi

See map

Delivery times
