
Carrefour Kavtaradze - Jikia

❗️Before proceeding to Checkout, please make sure you have selected your substitution preferences from “Substitution Preferences” feature and mark either ‘’Refund’' or ‘’Replace’' for each item in your basket. Pickers will collect your order according to your preference and in case something you’ve ordered is out of stock and you’ve selected ’’Replace”, it will be replaced with a similar alternative product. If you do not wish to receive a substitution of a certain item, please mark ‘’refund’' and if out of stock, it will be removed from the order. Please note that Pickers will not reach out to you during the collection of your order.❗️

👉 Please Do Not Place an Order that Exceeds 10kg Weight Limit

ლორი, ბეკონი

GEL 11.95

GALBANI ბეკონის ნაჭრები დოლჩე-150გრ/8000430680553

GEL 14.45

ღორის ბარკლის შაშხი 500გრ/4860103821881

GEL 21.90/kg

ლიდერფუდი ბავარიული ლორი 1კგ/2106712000005

GEL 10.95

შირნჰოფერი ბეკონი დაჭრილი 150 გრ/9002956050536

GEL 10.95

შირნჰოფერი ბეკონი შტირიული მოხარშული 150გრ/9002956052608

GEL 26.90/kg

ლიდერფუდი ღორის შაშხი სამეფო სუნელებით 1კგ/2116547000002

GEL 5.99

CAMPOFRIO ლორი ხამონი სერანო-80გრ/8410320027779

GEL 23.95/kg

ნიკორა მოხარშულ-შებოლილი მანდოლინა 1კგ/2106115000008

  • Sold out
GEL 21.90

სუჯუკი დაჭრილი 190გრ

❗️Before proceeding to Checkout, please make sure you have selected your substitution preferences from “Substitution Preferences” feature and mark either ‘’Refund’' or ‘’Replace’' for each item in your basket. Pickers will collect your order according to your preference and in case something you’ve ordered is out of stock and you’ve selected ’’Replace”, it will be replaced with a similar alternative product. If you do not wish to receive a substitution of a certain item, please mark ‘’refund’' and if out of stock, it will be removed from the order. Please note that Pickers will not reach out to you during the collection of your order.❗️ 👉 Please Do Not Place an Order that Exceeds 10kg Weight Limit ❗️ Please read the important information related to the distance contract, purchase and vendor on the Carrefour website ❗️

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60 Kavtaradze St

0186 Tbilisi

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