24 Twenty4 Shopen

24 Twenty4 Shopen Petralona

Your daily shopping through a wide variety of items for all needs!



Knorr Κύβοι Κοτόπουλο 6τμχ 60g


Knorr Κύβοι Λαχανικών 6τμχ 60g


Knorr Κύβοι Κοτόπουλο 12τμχ 120g


Knorr Κύβοι Βοδινό 6τμχ 60g

24 Twenty4 Shopen offers you, all the things you want for your home as well as kiosk , personal care, baby care items, and products for your pets!


Trion Ierarchon 164-166 Petralona

11852 Athens

See map

Delivery times

MondayAll day
TuesdayAll day
WednesdayAll day
ThursdayAll day
FridayAll day
SaturdayAll day
SundayAll day