Chrysafidou Despoina Pharmacy

The pharmacy for whatever you need!



Intermed Interdental Brushes M 1,2mm


Interned Interdental Brushes SSS 0.70mm


Intermed Chlorhexil Unisept Brush 0.6mm Μπλέ


Tepe Interd.0.4Mm [8988] Φούξια 0

1 pc€5.00/pc

Tepe Interd.0.45Mm[7465] Πορτοκαλί 1

1 pc€5.00/pc

Tepe Interd.0.5Mm [7466] Κόκκινο 2


Tepe Interd.0.6Mm [7467] Μπλε 3

1 pc€5.00/pc

Tepe Interd.0.7Mm [7468] Κίτρινο 4

1 pc€5.00/pc

Tepe Interd.0.8Mm [7469] Πράσινο 5

1 pc€5.00/pc

Tepe Μεσοδόντια Βουρτσάκια Νo7 Γκρι x8

1 pc€5.00/pc

TePe International Brush Angle No.0 Φούξια 0.4mm 6τμχ


TePe International Brush Angle No.3 Μπλέ 0.6mm 6τμχ


Tepe Interdental Brush Angle Size 4 Yellow x6Pcs


TePe International Brush Angle No.5 Πράσινο 0.8mm 6τμχ


Tepe Easypick Μεσοδόντιες Οδοντογλυφίδες Orange Size X-small/small 60 Τεμάχια


Tepe Easy Pick Size XL Μώβ x36Pcs


Tepe Easy Pick M/L x36pcs


Gum 649 Soft Picks Advanced - Small Μεσοδόντια Βουρτσάκια Μέγεθος Μικρό, 30τεμ


Gum Soft-Picks Advanced Large x30 (651)


Gum 650M Soft Picks Advanced Regular X30


Gum 670 Soft Picks Comfort Flex Medium Cool Mint X 40


Tepe Easy Pick Size XL Μώβ x36Pcs

At Chrysafidou Despoina Pharmacy you can find a wide variety of pharmacy products, beauty products, and vitamins!

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Stournari 25A

10682 Athens

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