Big Bang - CCO East

Big Bang je vodeći hrvatski specijalizirani maloprodajni lanac elektroničkom opremom🕹.

POVRAT PROIZVODA: U slučaju neodgovarajuće kupovine sukladno članku 86. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača, potrošač je dužan o svom trošku dostaviti proizvod. Povrat se može napraviti isključivo za neoštećene proizvode, u originalnom pakiranju i sa originalnim računom, u suprotnom se reklamacija neće moći priznati.

Igre za PS4


GTA V Premium Edition PS4




It Takes Two PS4


The Last of Us 2 Standard Edition PS4


Assassins's Creed Valhalla Standard Edition PS4


Sackboy A Big Adventure! PS4


Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales PS4


Ghost of Tsushima Standard Edition PS4


Need for Speed Heat PS4


Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order PS4


God of War HITS PS4


Uncharted Collection HITS PS4


Lego The Movie Videogame 2 PS4


Just Cause 4 Standard Edition PS4


Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4


Assassin's Creed Odyssey Standard Edition PS4


LEGO Avengers PS4


Lego City Undercover PS4


LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-7 PS4


Lego Jurassic World PS4


Lego Marvel Super Heroes PS4


LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens PS4


Lego Worlds PS4


The Lego Movie Videogame PS4


Assassin's Creed Origins Standard Edition PS4


Cars 3: Driven to Win PS4


Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 PS4


Knack 2 PS4


The Crew 2 Standard Edition PS4


Mortal Kombat X HITS PS4


Rayman Legends HITS PS4


The Last of Us Remastered HITS PS4


Batman: Arkham Knight HITS PS4


Bloodborne GOTY PS4


LEGO Batman 3 Hits PS4


Lego Incredibles Standard Edition PS4


The Lego Ninjago Movie Videogame PS4


Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag HITS PS4


Mortal Kombat 11 PS4


Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate PS4


Minecraft Starter Collection Refresh PS4


Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga PS4


Horizon - Forbidden West Standard Edition PS4


Gran Turismo 7 Standard Edition PS4


Just Cause 3 Gold Edition PS4


Ark: Survival Evolved PS4


Death Stranding Standard Edition PS4


Mafia Trilogy PS4


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II PS4


Dead Rising 4 - Frank's Big Pacakge PS4

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Big Bang je vodeći hrvatski specijalizirani maloprodajni lanac elektroničkom opremom🕹.


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