Snack Corner Delicatessen

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🥪 Food, snacks, alcohol and ongoing promotions.

Sabor Especial

HUF 2,890

La Costena Guacamole Dip avokádó szósz 320 g

320 gHUF 9,031.25/kg
HUF 1,390

La Costena Serranos egész paprika 220 g

220 gHUF 6,318.18/kg
HUF 1,290

La Costena Jalapenos szeletelt paprika 220 g

220 gHUF 5,863.64/kg
HUF 1,290

La Costena Jalapenos egész 220 g

220 gHUF 5,863.64/kg
HUF 890

Sabor Especial Natural tortilla chips 120 g

120 gHUF 7,416.67/kg
HUF 890

Sabor Especial Habanero Pina csípős, ananászos tortilla chips  120 g

120 gHUF 7,416.67/kg
HUF 890

Sabor Especial Chipotle Adobo csípős tortilla chips 120 g

120 gHUF 7,416.67/kg

Are you bored of always coming across the same flavors? Then you are in the best place, because here you will find treats and snacks from all over the world. Come and taste the most delicious, boldest flavors!


Szent István körút 5.

1055 Budapest

See map

Delivery times

FridayAll day
SaturdayAll day
SundayAll day