Eliasi Mashkahot


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חטיף רביולי | אגוז הכפר 180 גרם


חטיף אורז בטעם צילי | אגוז הכפר 120 גרם


חטיף קשיו אגוז הכפר 250 גרם


בוטנים קלויים | אגוז הכפר | 240 גרם


תערובת מנצ'ס | אגוז הכפר | 200 גרם


פיסטוק | אגוז הכפר | 200 גרם


שקד קלוי | אגוז הכפר | 250 גרם

We are not just another Wolt store that will close a corner for you, we are the wine and alcohol store with a wide and interesting variety of special wines, whiskeys from all over the world and drinks that will fit exactly the hospitality you were thinking of or the perfect gift for your loved ones. We have been providing customer service since 1982, and now we are happy to serve you in Walt as well. Some important notes you should know: *The picture is for illustration only and there is no commitment to the vintage year unless otherwise stated. We have a variety of products that can also be ordered cold, we also have champagne and ice for long-term cooling. We invite you to experience the special and exciting world of wine and alcohol and invite you to contact us with any request or question and we will try to answer quickly!

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פרופסור שור 40

5881637 Rishon, Holon, Bat Yam

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