Lawson Sapporo Minami 32 Nishi 10-chome🍎

we strive to become a “Hub of refreshment in every community” which everyone can happily visit and find “Whew!” Surprises🌏



【飲料】ポッカ 富良野ホップ炭酸水500ml






【飲料】ウィルキンソンエクストラ 490ml


【飲料】ウィルキンソン ドライジンジャ500ml


【飲料】ウィルキンソン ジンジャアップル500ml




【飲料】アサヒ 三ツ矢サイダー 300ml


【飲料】三ツ矢特濃グレープ 500ml






【飲料】◎コカ・コーラ 300ml








【飲料】ドデカミンBIG 600ml


【飲料】ポッカ がぶ飲みメロンクリームソーダ500ml


【飲料】サントリー C.C.レモン 600ml

we strive to become a “Hub of refreshment in every community” which everyone can happily visit and find “Whew!” Surprises🌏



005-0032 Sapporo

See map

Delivery times

Monday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Tuesday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Wednesday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Thursday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Friday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Saturday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
Sunday00:00–00:59, 08:00–23:59
WoltSapporoStores and groceries | Sapporoローソン | SapporoLawson Sapporo Minami 32 Nishi 10-chome🍎