AIRBA FRESH Nauryzbay Batyr

Airba Fresh - Fresh and delicious🍃. Try fresh and delicious products with natural ingredients from Airba Fresh! Farm dairy and meat foods, artisan bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, products from VkusVill, unique imported goods and much more. Airba Fresh - more than just grocery delivery.

Национальные продукты

KZT 545

Напиток кисломолочный Тан 1 л

KZT 580680

Напиток кисломолочный Тан 1.5 л

KZT 655

Курт Ap-Treid средний 100 г

KZT 655

Курт Ap-Treid Микс 100 г

  • Sold out
KZT 1,430

Кумыс Airba Fresh 1 л

  • Sold out
KZT 1,430

Шубат Airba Fresh 1 л

KZT 1,380

Курт Fresh House из коровьего молока 200 г

KZT 1,880

Курт Fresh House из козьего молока 200 г

Airba Fresh - Fresh and delicious🍃. Try fresh and delicious products with natural ingredients from Airba Fresh! Farm dairy and meat foods, artisan bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, products from VkusVill, unique imported goods and much more. Airba Fresh - more than just grocery delivery.

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ул. Наурызбай батыра 49

050000 Almaty

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