Dobraya Pharmacy №22 Abish Kekilbaiuly

Dobraya Pharmacy has been operating in Almaty since 1995. Today it is an extensive network of stores and an online pharmacy, where you can order around the clock. Medicines, health and beauty products, and cosmetics can be ordered for delivery throughout the city.

Витамины для нервной системы

Витамины для нервной системы

KZT 4,178

МАГНЕ В6 N60 таб п.о.

KZT 5,045

МАГНЕ-В6 ПРЕМИУМ 100мг/10мг N60 таб п.п.о.

  • Sold out
KZT 5,806

МАГНЕРОТ 500мг N50 таб

KZT 3,505


KZT 2,201


KZT 5,322

НЕВИС АКТИВ 50мл капли д/внут прим

KZT 3,682

НЕВРАЛОН 2мл N5 р-р д/ин

KZT 4,968

НЕВРАЛОН N20 таб покр плен киш./раст. обол

Dobraya Pharmacy has been operating in Almaty since 1995. Today it is an extensive network of stores and an online pharmacy, where you can order around the clock. Medicines, health and beauty products, and cosmetics can be ordered for delivery throughout the city.

See similar stores


ул. Абиша Кекилбайулы, 270 блок 1

050000 Almaty

See map

Delivery times

MondayAll day
TuesdayAll day
WednesdayAll day
ThursdayAll day
FridayAll day
SaturdayAll day
SundayAll day

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