Meat Union Abylai Khan

Meat-union online meat delivery store offers you mutually beneficial cooperation in the supply of fresh, young and high-quality meat at a favorable price.

Most ordered

KZT 3,800/kg

Говядина филе переднее без кости

KZT 4,070/kg

Говядина филе заднее без кости

KZT 4,015/kg

Говядина задняя часть медальон

KZT 3,470/kg

Говядина филе шеи без кости

KZT 3,850/kg

Говядина стейк тибон

KZT 4,950/kg

Говядина карбонат

KZT 5,000/kg

Говядина филе заднее люкс без жилок и кости

KZT 3,850/kg

Говядина гуляш

KZT 18,900

Комбо Суп 7 кг

KZT 2,960/kg

Говядина ребро

KZT 3,800/kg

Говяжий фарш постный

KZT 2,750/kg

Говядина рулька

KZT 24,640

Комбо Супер 8 кг

KZT 2,960/kg

Говядина грудинка

KZT 3,180/kg

Говяжий фарш средний жирности

KZT 3,750/kg

Говядина стейк рибай

KZT 27,120

Комбо Без кости 8 кг

Meat-union online meat delivery store offers you mutually beneficial cooperation in the supply of fresh, young and high-quality meat at a favorable price. Our company was founded in 2017, and our online store became one of the first stores selling meat products online in the region. The company specializes in the wholesale and retail sale of meat both for the home and for restaurant and cafe chains. We can be proud that we have one of the widest ranges of meat products in the city and the region, with our own logistics department, delivering orders day in and day out to customers' doors.

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Проспект Абылай хана, 5/2, ЖК Мереке

010000 Astana

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Delivery times
