Chai Chai (Ogmios miestas)

Tea, spices, gifts

GOURMET kolekcija

  • 5 left

Drakonas džiunglėse (Gourmet kolekcija)

80 g€187.50/kg
  • 3 left

Margos pievos (Gourmet kolekcija)

70 g€214.29/kg
  • 5 left

Minutėlė sau (Gourmet kolekcija)

80 g€187.50/kg

Oh Christmas tea! (Gourmet kolekcija)

80 g€187.50/kg
  • 3 left

Po tropikų saule (Gourmet kolekcija)

30 g€500.00/kg
  • 3 left

Prie knygos (Gourmet kolekcija)

80 g€187.50/kg
  • 2 left

Puodelis sveikatos (Gourmet kolekcija)

120 g€125.00/kg
  • 2 left

Rum Arabica (Gourmet kolekcija)

120 g€125.00/kg
  • 3 left

Sniego burbulai (Gourmet kolekcija)

70 g€214.29/kg
  • 1 left

Svajonių kupina (Gourmet kolekcija)

70 g€21.43/100g

Taip kvepia Kalėdos… (Gourmet kolekcija)

80 g€18.75/100g
  • 3 left

Vaivorykštės limonadas (Gourmet kolekcija)

100 g€15.00/100g
  • 3 left

Žolelių sodas (Gourmet kolekcija)

30 g€500.00/kg
  • 1 left

Ceilono cinamonas (Gourmet kolekcija)

40 g€175.00/kg
  • 2 left

Chmeli Suneli (Gourmet kolekcija)

40 g€175.00/kg
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Harissa (Gourmet kolekcija)

50 g€140.00/kg
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Kavai ir pienui (Gourmet kolekcija)

  • 3 left

Mozzarella Tomato (Gourmet kolekcija)

50 g€140.00/kg
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Nasi Goreng (Gourmet kolekcija)

40 g€175.00/kg
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Pyragams ir meduoliams (Gourmet kolekcija)

50 g€140.00/kg
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Prima Vera (Gourmet kolekcija)

30 g€233.33/kg
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Rūkyta druska (Gourmet kolekcija)

120 g€58.33/kg
  • 1 left

Rūkyta paprika (Gourmet kolekcija)

55 g€127.27/kg
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Salotoms (Gourmet kolekcija)

30 g€233.33/kg
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Tailando karis (Gourmet kolekcija)

  • 2 left

Tropical Mango (Gourmet kolekcija)

70 g€100.00/kg
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Troškiniams (Gourmet kolekcija)

60 g€116.67/kg

Chai Chai is a world of taste, colour and scents inspired by the cosiness of home, creativity and playfulness. Our spices and teas are of the highest quality and prized by those who value aesthetics, handwork, uniqueness, who want to use healthy and rich products as well as those who want to find a thoughtful gift for their loved ones. Our selection of spices is inspired by the cuisines of Asia, Africa, Europe and Americas while our broad array of teas will appeal to enthusiasts of sweet tea and classical tea connoisseurs alike.

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Verkių g. 31C

LT-09108 Vilnius

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