Mėsos broliai (PC Panorama)

High quality meat, grill accessories, spices || This online shop is owned and operated by MB Mėsos broliai who is responsible for the sold products. All information about the sold products is provided by the retailer. This online shop is owned and operated by the licensed retailer. The products are sold by the retailer (not Wolt) and the retailers is responsible for the sold products. All information about the products is provided by the retailer.


  • Sold out

Prieskonių mišinys Memphis Mud RUB 280 g.

280 g€32.11/kg

Prieskonių mišinys „SPG RUB“, 200 g.

200 g€29.95/kg

Prieskonių mišinys „SRIRACHA RUB” 200 g.

200 g€29.95/kg

Prieskonių mišinys „TEXAS BEEF RUB” 200 g.

200 g€29.95/kg

Plov.lt adžarijos druska

1 pc€6.49/pc

Plov.lt Chmeli-Suneli prieskonių mišinys sriuboms ir troškiniams

1 pc€6.49/pc

Plov.lt Savanų druska

1 pc€6.49/pc

Plov.lt Raugerškio uogos

1 pc€6.49/pc

Plov.lt universalūs uzbekiški prieskoniai

1 pc€6.49/pc

Plov.lt Uccho-suneli prieskonių mišinys žuviai ir troškiniams

1 pc€6.49/pc

New type and concept butcher, chorizo sausages, dried meats, natural barbecues, ingredients, grill shop, tastings.


Saltoniškių g. 9

08105 Vilnius

See map

Delivery times
