Maxi Delta City

With us, you always know what you are buying, and we deliver the freshest products to your home address!

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Organski proizvodi

RSD 106.99

Kukuruzni flips sa čiom bez glutena NP100g

RSD 579.99

Kokosov šećer organski NP 250g

RSD 517.99

Heljdin griz organski NP 400g

RSD 749.99

Sirup od javora organski NP 250 g

250 gRSD 2,999.96/kg
RSD 489.99

Kokosovo ulje organsko NP 200 ml

200 mlRSD 2,449.95/l
RSD 499.99

Kinoa bela Nature's Promise BIO 250g

RSD 409.99

Sirup od agave BIO NP 250ml

RSD 199.99

Kukuruz šećerac BIO Nature's Promise 340g

RSD 394.99

Corn Flakes Bio Nature's Promise 300g

RSD 329.99

Paradajz Passata BIO NP 690g

RSD 259.99

Grašak organski Nature's promise 340g

RSD 249.99

Ovsene pah.BIO Nature's promise 500g

With us, you always know what you are buying, and we deliver the freshest products to your home address!

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Jurija Gagarina 16

11000 Belgrade

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