Stores and groceries - Novi Pazar
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Every day, we provide quality service and a new shopping experience, with a carefully selected assortment, with an emphasis on affordable, fresh, healthy and homemade.
From the neighborhood for you
Iskusno od prvog dana
We have always been able to fulfill the desire for more!
Raznolikost kafa je naša strast!
Umbrella VAPE shop offers the largest selection of vape products, PUFFs, as well as rechargeable models of e-cigarettes and equipment. Disposable vape models are available in several different strengths of nicotine, but also without nicotine. They are also classified according to the number of puffs, so the offer includes vapes of 600 puffs, as well as the most powerful disposable devices of 6000 puffs. Behind our brand, which has been present on the Serbian market since 2010, is great experience in choosing quality vape models.
Najbolji izbor opreme!
U našoj pekari uvek možete naći vaša omiljena peciva
With us, you always know what you are buying, and we deliver the freshest products to your home address!
Gigatron je na tržištu prepoznat kao kompanija koja podstiče primenu novih tehnologija, usmeravajući kupca da za svoj novac dobije najviše, posebno vodivši računa da takva kupovina ima svoju vrednost i u budućnosti.