Nećeš popust?! 😅
MEGA discounts in stores! 🛍️🛒
alcohol, grocery
With us, you always know what you are buying, and we deliver the freshest products to your home address!
games, gadget
Gigatron je na tržištu prepoznat kao kompanija koja podstiče primenu novih tehnologija, usmeravajući kupca da za svoj novac dobije najviše, posebno vodivši računa da takva kupovina ima svoju vrednost i u budućnosti.
Fastest delivery
Amazing taste of Greece!
street food, International
Take a break from your work and order our fresh Greek Gyros!
burger, pizza
Burger is a true gastronomic creation where we use the finest pieces of meat, brioch, the finest cheeses and homemade sauces.
Offers near you
alcohol, grocery
With us, you always know what you are buying, and we deliver the freshest products to your home address!
0 RSD delivery fee with Wolt+
street food, International
Take a break from your work and order our fresh Greek Gyros!
breakfast, café
Pause, take some time for yourself and your friends and enjoy moments of relaxation.
Breakfast near you
Good food makes good mood
For burger lovers
Popular right now
fruit, organic
Every day, we provide quality service and a new shopping experience, with a carefully selected assortment, with an emphasis on affordable, fresh, healthy and homemade.
If you want to surprise someone with a beautiful bouquet, you are in the right place! ❤️
pharmacy, cosmetics
The long-term trust of our satisfied clients is at the heart of what we do, and that is why we are proud of the fact that today we are one of the leading pharmacy chains in Serbia.
New restaurants on Wolt
street food, International
Take a break from your work and order our fresh Greek Gyros!
Top grocery picks
alcohol, grocery
With us, you always know what you are buying, and we deliver the freshest products to your home address!