Late lunch near you
Bratislava Petržalka
I'm lovin' it
For lovers of non-traditional pizza.
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.
More than just pizza! 🍕🥗🍝
Maximum freshness & taste. 🍕🍝
From Slovak farms to your table.
Bowls full of balanced and healthy flavors. 🥗🥑
Stay cheesy!
Taste is the King!
Amazing burgers
Burgers with a touch of Bratislava 🍔
Domino's Pizza
Grilovačka? Piknik? Víkendový obed? Doprajte si to najlepšie z Klubovne.
Pre všetkých, ktorí obľubujú netradičné chute.
Ázijské dobrotky ako sushi sety, maki, nigiri, bowl 🥢😋
You can never have enough shrimp!🍤
More than just pizza! 🍕🥗🍝
Amazing Asian specialties right to your door. 🍣🥟
Fried flat bread 🥮, hake 🐟, crispy hot-dogs 🌭 and tasty sweet pancakes!
Breakfast, sandwiches, salads and more!
Domino's Pizza 🍕
Great food. Fast.
Jedlo pre každé tvoje ja. 😍
Vietnamese street food 🍜
Tradičná ukrajinská a gruzínska kuchyňa 😎🍖🧆🥘
Japonskom inšpirovaná moderná ázijská kuchyňa. Sushi v ponuke!
Real traditional Italian cuisine in Bratislava.
Petržalka Bowling Center
🌵Fresh Mexican food 😍
Enjoy fantastic chicken 🍗 in different ways, homemade fries 🍟 and fresh salads 🥗 and excellent fast food. 🍔
Authentic Japanese Ramen.
Authentic Japanese Ramen. 🍜
Orientujeme sa na čínsko - japonskú kuchyňu a jedlá pripravujeme zásadne z čerstvých surovín.
Schnitzel like never before.
Fine Indian food 🇮🇳
Amazing burgers
Dokonale ugrilované a poctivo pripravené burgre z BIO hovädzieho mäsa, bez hormónov, antibiotík a bez GMO 🍔Nikdy nemrazené ručne krájané hranolky🍟
Denné menu, pravidelné víkendové menu a obľúbená kvalitná pizza.
Taste of Italy on your tounge
Homemade pancakes 🥞 with fruits 🍓 from fresh ingredients 🥧
Quality burgers fast way
Sushi a WOK boxy pripravované podľa tradícií japonskej kuchyne a s láskou k remeslu.
The best balkan specialities 🧆, amazing pizza 🍕 or tasty pasta 🍝
Výborné jedlo vietnamskej reštaurácie
Discover the world of flavors in one place!
I'm lovin' it
Pre všetkých, ktorí obľubujú netradičné chute.
The best chicken in the world, since 1952. It will be fine.