Tuš hipermarket Planet Celje

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items!

Plenice in podloge

  • 4 left

Plenice št.2 Mini 4-8 kg Premium Care, Pampers (68 kosov)


Plenice št.3 Midi 4-9 kg Premium Care, Pampers (60 kosov)


Pampers Premium hlačne plenice, S3, 6-11kg, 48/1


Plenice Pampers hlačne, nočne, S4, 9-15 kg, 25/1


Plenice št.4 Maxi 9-14 kg Premium Care, Pampers (52 kosov)


Hlačne plenice št.4 9-15 kg Premium Care, Pampers (38 kosov)

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Plenice Pampers jumbopack, S4, 52/1


Hlačne plenice Maxi+ št.5 12-17 kg Premium Care, Pampers (34 kosov)


Plenice Pampers hlačne, nočne, S5, 12-17 kg, 22/1


Plenice št.5 Junior 11-25 kg Premium Care, Pampers (44 kosov)

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Plenice Pampers jumbopack, S5, 48/1


Pampers Premium, plenice, XL S6, 13 kg+, 38/1


Hlačne plenice Junior št.6 15 kg+ Premium Care, Pampers (31 kosov)

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Plenice Pampers jumbopack S7, 38/1

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Plenice Pampers jumbopack, S6, 44/1


Plenice Violeta Air Dry 4-9 kg S3 66 plenic


Plenice maxi 4 7-18 kg Air Dry, Violeta Double Care (60 kosov)


Plenice Junior 5 11-25 kg Air Dry, Violeta Double Care (52 kosov)


Plenice Bambo, Nature, midi 3, 4-8kg, tall pack, 52/1

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Plenice Bambo, Nature, Junior 5, 12-18kg, tall pack, 44/1

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Plenice Bambo, Nature, maxi 4, 7-14kg, tall pack, 48/1


Plenice Bambo, Nature, XL 6, 16+kg, tall pack, 40/1

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Plavalne Plenice Swimmies 7-12 kg 12 plenic

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Plenice Swimmies, medium, +12kg, 11/1


Plenice Simby, midi, vel.3, 56/1


Plenice Simby, maxi, vel.4, 50/1


Plenice Simby, Junior, vel.5, 44/1


Plenice Violeta Cotton, midi 3, 64/1


Plenice Violeta Cotton, junior 5, 48/1


Plenice Violeta Cotton, junior+ 6, 44/1

Choose amongst more then 5000 grocery and non-grocery items! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products.


Mariborska cesta 128

3000 Celje

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