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Testenine Polžki, S Budget (1 kg)


Svedri, S-Budget (1 kg)


Peresniki, S-Budget (1 kg)


Špageti, S-Budget (1 kg)


Jajčne testenine Polžki, S-Budget (1 kg)


Špageti, S-Budget (1 kg)


Špageti n.5, SPAR (500 g)


Polžki Amorosi, SPAR (500 g)


Testenine Tortiglioni, SPAR (500 g)


Testenine Fusilli, SPAR (500 g)


Testenine Penne rigate, SPAR (500 g)


Polnozrnati peresniki, SPAR (500 g)


Polnozrnati svedri, SPAR (500 g)


Jajčne jušne testenine Fidelini, SPAR (500 g)


Jajčne testenine Tagliatelle, Spar (500 g)


Testenine Gnocchi, Spar (500 g)


Polnozrnati polžki, Spar (500 g)


Špageti n.5, DeSpar (500 g)


Testenine rebrasti polžki, DeSpar (500 g)


Testenine svedri Fusilli, DeSpar (500 g)


Testenine peresniki, DeSpar (500 g)


Testenine dolgi polžki, DeSpar (500 g)


Špageti n.3, DeSpar (500 g)


Testenine za lazanjo, DESPAR (250 g)


Dvobarvni rezanci, DeSpar (250 g)


Ozki jajčni rezanci, Despar (250 g)


Sušene jajčne testenine za juho Risini, DeSpar (250 g)


Testenine za lazanjo, DeSpar (500 g)


Jajčne testenine, DeSpar (250 g)


Jajčne testenine pappardelle, DeSpar (250 g)


Jajčne testenine kaneloni, DeSpar (250 g)


Testenine Fettuccine, DESPAR Premium (250 g)


Bio polnozrnate testenine Torre Di Pisa, Spar Natur*pur (500 g)


Testenine Reginelle, DeSpar Premium (250 g)


Testenine Rustiche, DeSpar Premium (250 g)


Bio polnozrnate testnine Linguine, SPAR Natur*pur (500 g)


Bio polnozrnate testenine Stortini, SPAR Natur*pur (500 g)


Bio testenine Mini metuljčki, Spar Natu*Pur (500 g)


Bio testenine Mini peresniki, Spar Natur*pur (500 g)


Bio testenine polžki z jajci, Spar Natur*pur (400 g)


Testenine široki jajčni rezanci št.176, Barilla (250 g)


Špageti št.1, Barilla (500 g)


Špageti št.3, Barilla (500 g)


Špageti št.5, Barilla (500 g)


Testenine rezanci gnezda št.16, Barilla (500 g)


Jajčne testenine Mini polžki št.20, Barilla (500 g)


Jajčne testenine Mini peresniki št.66, Barilla (500 g)


Jajčne testenine Rebrasti polžki št.91, Barilla (500 g)


Jajčne testenine Svedri št.96, Barilla (500 g)


Jajčne testenine Peresniki št.73, Barilla (500 g)

A wide and varied selection of products to satisfy every customer. If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. If a product has a short expiration date, please contact our support to arrange a refund. The short expiration date is 2 days for perishable products and 5 days for fresh products. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Ankaranska cesta 3a

6000 Koper & Izola

See map

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