Tuš drogerija Planet Kranj

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products!



Pilica za nohte Titania, 1048


Pilica za nohte Kiss, akrilna F223


Pilica za nohte Kiss, F224


Pilica za nohte, 1040/6

  • 4 left

Pilica za nohte Essence, 4 v 1

  • 2 left

Set za urejanje nohtov Hi Hybrid, z UV gel laki, začetni

  • 5 left

Pilica za nohte Hi hybrid, dvostranska 180

  • 6 left

Pilica za nohte Kiss, F233

  • 4 left

Pilica za nohte Essence, banana


Pilica, steklena, 1251B

  • 7 left

Polirna pilica, 1220

  • 1 left

Set za nohte Depend, Gel iQ, Start Kit

  • 7 left

Pila safirna Jean Louis David, kovinska, srednje velika


Pila manikurna Jean Louis David, ukrivljena, 2/1


Pila za trdo kožo na nogah


Pila safirna Jean Louis David, kovinska, velika

  • 3 left

Pila za nohte Jean Louis David, steklena

  • 5 left

Pile za nohte Jean Louis David, velike, 8/1

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Cesta Jaka Platiše 18

4000 Kranj

See map

Delivery times
