Tuš drogerija Ruski Car

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products!


  • 7 left

Plenice Bambo, Nature, midi 3, 4-8kg, tall pack, 52/1

  • 6 left

Plenice Bambo, Nature, maxi 4, 7-14kg, tall pack, 48/1

  • 5 left

Plenice hlačne Bambo Nature, 7-14 kg, pants maxi, 20/1


Plenice Bambo, Nature, Junior 5, 12-18kg, tall pack, 44/1

  • 4 left

Plenice hlačne Bambo Nature, 12-18 kg, pants Junior, 19/1


Plenice Bambo, Nature, XL 6, 16+kg, tall pack, 40/1

  • 6 left

Plenice Bambo Nature, mini 2, 3-6 kg, 30/1

  • 2 left

Pampers Premium, plenice, XL S6, 13 kg+, 38/1

  • 4 left

Pampers Harmonie plenice, S3, VP, 6-10 kg, 31/1

  • 3 left

Hlačne plenice Maxi+ št.5 12-17 kg Premium Care, Pampers (34 kosov)

  • 3 left

Plenice Pampers jumbopack, S4, 52/1

  • 6 left

Pampers Premium hlačne plenice, S3, 6-11kg, 48/1

  • 7 left

Pampers Premium, Newborn, S1 2-5kg, 26/1

  • 6 left

Plenice št.3 Midi 4-9 kg Premium Care, Pampers (60 kosov)

  • 7 left

Plenice št.4 Maxi 9-14 kg Premium Care, Pampers (52 kosov)

  • 3 left

Hlačne plenice Junior št.6 15 kg+ Premium Care, Pampers (31 kosov)

  • 2 left

Plenice Pampers jumbopack, S5, 48/1

  • 3 left

Plenice št.5 Junior 11-25 kg Premium Care, Pampers (44 kosov)

  • 3 left

Plenice Violeta Air Dry 9-20 kg S4+ 56 plenic

  • 1 left

Plavalne Plenice Swimmies 7-12 kg 12 plenic

  • 1 left

Plenice Simby, midi, vel.3, 56/1

Pamper yourself with more than 8,000 care, personal hygiene and home products! If an ordered item is out of stock, its value will be automatically refunded. All reclamations should be dealt within the same day as the delivery was completed.


Dunajska cesta 211

1000 Ljubljana

See map

Delivery times
